The Most Magical Fairy Garden Blogs of 2020

The Most Magical Fairy Garden Blogs of 2020

Welcome to Teelie’s Fairy Garden. My name is Chime and I’m a New Year’s  Fairy. My friend Teelie Turner wrote a book about me titled Chime the New Year’s Fairy. Learn more about my story here. I was invited to share this week’s blog post with you. The fairies assembled a list of eight of their most magical blogs from 2020 to share with you. They had a hard time choosing but they hope that you like revisiting the ones that they chose. Others can be found by visiting the blogs section of the Teelie’s Fairy Garden website. 

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Uplifting Print On Demand Fairy Sized Signs 

The fairies really enjoyed discovering the uplifting miniature print on demand signs that Teelie’s Fairy Garden had assembled on their Etsy page. In the photo above, you’ll see the fairy at play signs. Peruse the article to discover a large selection of magical signs.

How to Get Cook’n With The Fairies

During the year 2020, the fairies also launched five magical fairy clubs. You can learn about all the details here. 

All In Banner For Clubs

The fairies chose to share their post about the Get Cook’n with the Fairies Club with you. It includes a monthly giveaway of a magical fairy apron that can be used for cooking, gardening, crafting, or painting. The apron in the photo above features Wishitora the Wishing Well Fairy on it. It seemed fitting since as the New Year’s Fairy, it is my job to help grant wishes. Sometimes, those wishes are made at a wishing well. Find the fairies’ collection of aprons on Redbubble.

 Enjoy this video about the Get Cook’n with the Fairies Club.

How to Create a Nautical Themed Fairy Garden

The fairies shared a number of magical DIY articles on creating magical fairy gardens this year. Have you had the chance to choose a theme for your own fairy garden? We’re resharing the fairies’ post about a nautical fairy garden. The item that we chose to showcase this article was a driftwood post with a seagull standing on top of it. Find it on Etsy.

Magical Stepping Stones for Fairy and Human Gardens

Another magical post from 2020 was about stepping stones. In that post, some fairy and human sized stepping stones were shared. One of our favorites were the painted stones that featured a penguin family. These stones are pictured above and available on Etsy.

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Patio Accents for Humans and Fairies

Another favorite that included items for human and fairy use was our post about patio accents. We decided to reshare an adorable miniature pansy planter with you. It can be found on Etsy. We’d love to hear how you decorate your patio. Let us know if it includes any magical elements by contacting us on social media.

Here is a video that was created about our patio accents blog post. We hope you enjoy it.

Imaginative Fairy Garden Planters

Another article that the fairies really enjoyed putting together for you included imaginative fairy garden planters. They love gardening and exploring gardens, so getting to see other magical options for planters was a magical adventure for them. They chose to reshare some metal umbrella planters with you. They can be found on Amazon.

Learn a New Melody with the Fairies

The fairies would like to invite you to re-explore their post about creating a new melody with the fairies. There are several of them who would love to make music in your garden. In the scene we chose to share, one fairy is playing a harp, while another holds a bunny, and another is ready to pour tea or serve sweets whenever anyone wants more delicious treats. Discover it on Amazon.

Eight Reasons to Believe in Fairies

The fairies also wanted to share eight reasons why you should believe in them. To illustrate this post, they chose to share a We Believe in Fairies sign. It is extremely magical looking and has a miniature butterfly on it. Find it on Amazon.


Thank you for taking the time to join us today. We hope that you enjoy rediscovering these blogs and many others at Teelie’s Fairy Garden. Don’t forget to make your wish on New Year’s Eve, perhaps yours will be one that I get to answer. My name is Chime and I’m go glad that I got to spend this time with you. Until next time, best wishes from the Fairy Kingdom are being sent your way.

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Sign up to get a copy of the Meet the Fairies catalogue / book. It’s an enchanted opportunity to get better acquainted with over a hundred incredible fairies.


You can also sign up to be an Etsy insider and get notified by e-mail about fairy giveaways, goodies, and sales. Sign up here. 

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