The Fairy Scoop: Fairy Garden Miniature School Materials

Hello Fairy Garden Lovers!

Now that the kids are back in school, we can’t help but think about our own days back at the academe. It’s easy to reminisce about our days spent in school yards, worrying about exams and projects, dreaming of the future. In honor of the back to school season, let’s see how fairy garden miniature school materials can take us back in time! These tiny trinkets for fairies are so whimsical because they imitate real life, but in a tinier, more imaginative scale. Let’s see which fairy garden miniature school materials our fairy friends will love.

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  1. School Teacher Chalkboard

Exclusively designed for little fairy teachers, this miniature chalkboard will help them teach the fairy children how to read, add, and draw! Your garden classroom will truly come alive with this little back to school treat for fairies.

  1. Miniature Replica Bottle of School White Glue

Did you know that fairy children love art class? That’s why they’re always armed with some school glue, which helps them create amazing collages using leaves, flowers, twigs, and other natural materials.

  1. Miniature Working Scissors with Black Handles

Crafts class won’t be complete without a pair of functional scissors! This tiny pair is perfect for fairies who are crafting projects. Just make sure the fairies don’t run (or fly) with it!

  1. Miniature Paint Kit

This charming set of oil paints are sure to please any fairy who loves to paint! Featuring six colors (rose, white, green, yellow, black, and blue), this also includes a paintbrush and a mixer. Such a cute addition to your fairy school!

  1. Miniature Children’s Books by Dr. Seuss

Make storytelling time more fun for fairies with not one but three amazing books by Dr. Seuss. This trio includes “ABC,” “One Fish, Two Fish,” and “Green Eggs and Ham.” Your bookworm fairy pupils will surely enjoy these stories.

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  1. Miniature Spiral Notebook with Lined Pages

Fairy school supplies would not be complete without the trusty notebook! Fairie will love these notebooks because they can truly flip through the pages, which are ruled, just like notebooks for humans!

  1. Miniature Pencils and Erasers

These tiny pencils and erasers are so adorable! They truly write and erase, just like regular pencils and erasers for humans. Fairies will love using this while attending fairy school, as it will help them take down important notes!

  1. Miniature Backpack with Train Print

Little fairy boys will adore this backpack that has tiny train print on it! Reminiscent of a Jansport backpack, this miniature features actual functioning pockets and straps! The fairy pupils will enjoy going to school toting this super cool backpack.

  1. Miniature Garden Yellow School Bus and Playground Equipment Set

A back to school-themed garden isn’t limited to fairy garden miniature school materials. You can also add these amusing details! This set of monkey bars, merry go round, and school bus will add a layer of whimsy to your garden. You can almost see the young fairies playing in the grounds and hopping off this super cute school bus!

  1. Little Red Schoolhouse

Welcome to the Little Red Schoolhouse, a country-inspired structure reminiscent of olden academies from the decades ago. This tiny fairies’ school features a brick red exterior, a roof with slate tiles, and a bell tower that rings when class is about to start. Its doors open and close to let the fairy students in, too! While this may not be school material miniature, it sure is a beautiful addition to your back to school-themed fairy garden!

These fairy garden miniature school materials will surely inspire the little pupil fairies in their learning journey. If you’re looking for more awesome back to school fairy garden accessories, follow the link below. Don’t forget to bookmark Teelie’s Fairy Garden for daily fairy garden inspiration!

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