Sweet Springtime Flowers to Draw Fairies into A Garden

Flowers are the secret to attracting fairies into a fairy garden. After all, fairies love sweet scents and colors! Fairies are naturally drawn to wonderful, sweet fragrances and bright, colorful things. And with the coming of Spring, it’s the perfect opportunity to add a new wealth of blossoms into a garden. An abundance of flowers, with all their different, incredibly magical scents, and their splendid colors, will guarantee the proliferation of fairies into the garden. They’ll want to visit or settle in, making the garden their home and bringing their magic with them.

Have a look at some of these fairy garden flowers that might be just perfect for bringing fairies in, just in time for Spring:

FG March 7 2019 1-51. Baskets of Blossoms

What better way to bring more blooms into a garden than carrying basketfuls into it? These pretty basketfuls of blossoms can be perfectly placed around entryways or corners. They can even adorn the tops of tables. Such flowers look and smell so welcoming, so why not have them placed all around for new fairies to see? Get them at Etsy.

2. Parade of Pansies

Add a line of lovely pansies to every pathway. These flowers are symbolic of love and aspiration. They’ll have plenty of that same magic. They’ll catch the eye of fairies flying overhead with their bright colors and patterns. With their sweet scent filling the air, everyone will feel that Spring is truly coming to a garden .Get the pansies at Etsy.

3. Hundreds of Hollyhocks

If there were flowers that were perfectly symbolic of an enchanting springtime for fairies, hollyhocks would be one of the most important. Hollyhocks symbolize fruitfulness and fertility, much in the same way as springtime does. So much life bursts from the earth during spring. The scent of hollyhocks will bring a magic of growth and wonder that fairies will welcome. Get them at Etsy.

4. Romantic Rose Blossoms

Roses, of course, are the most ubiquitous of the flowers to have in a garden. They are wonderfully fragrant, casting that magic of love and affection with their heady scent. Roses grow from pots and vines, with their heads heavy with petals and sweet aroma. Not even fairies will be able to resist their magical call when they’re all over a garden! Get them at Etsy.

5. A Magical Touch of Tulips

Tulips were once the most precious flowers in the world. Noblemen and women found them rare and precious. Their colors are absolutely magical, and the perfect tulip is shaped like a cup from which a fairy could drink. These lovely tulips, symbolizing true love and royalty, are a splendid addition to any garden looking to befriend more fairies. Get them at Etsy.

Of course, these flowers are all fairy flowers, magical and everlasting, enchanted with their own powers. But perhaps the garden is in need of true flowers to be planted or placed in the garden. These flowers, if cared for properly, will continue to grow and blossom throughout the seasons. See some of the world’s favorite fragrant flowers, add them to a garden, and watch the fairies come!

FG March 7 2019 6-106. The Power of Plumeria

Plumeria blossoms (also called frangipani) are a delightfully tropical addition to any garden. Their scent hangs heavy like sweet honey, and absolutely undeniable. What fairy could resist its fragrance, when the flowers are in bloom? Plumeria are ideal flowers for celebrations and special occasions; celebrate the arrival of new fairy friends with them! Get some at Amazon.

7. Brugmansia: The Magical Trumpet

When night falls, these truly magical flowers release a fragrance that will call out to any fairy around! Also called the Angel’s Trumpet, these flowers look like drooping, pendulum trumpets and come in many colors. Could these flowers also become fairy trumpets, calling out to newcomers and inviting them into the garden? Get them at Amazon.

8. The Wondrous Wisteria

Far in the east, wisteria is believed to have magical properties, symbolizing immortality and long lives. It’s perfectly suited to fairies, as they will live forever and ever! But more than that, wisteria, with its abundance of white and purple flowers that almost look like a blizzard of snow, is extremely fragrant. It will attract fairies for miles. Get the vine at Amazon.

9. Grand Gardenia

With its sweet smell, earnestly beckoning fairies towards them, gardenias are another perfect flower to invite fairies. They are so elegant and brightly white, symbolizing purity and joy.  Royal fairies would be unable to resist such a refined, sweets scent and silky petals. A bush of them in the garden will be one of the best ways to invite a fairy to visit. Get it at Amazon.

10. Harmonies of the Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is one of the most famous wildflowers. The flowers themselves can be white, yellow, or coral. Just like its name, the scent of honeysuckle flowers is just so sweet and delicious, it’s sure to mesmerize anyone that catches a whiff! So fragrant that its perfume flits over acres, it will certainly invite many fairies to come and visit. See it at Amazon.

Fill a garden will flowers, with their fragrance and beauty, and it won’t be long before you spot fairies coming in to visit. They’ll peer beneath the petals or settle in under the leaves, making themselves at home!

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