Put the Pieces Together With the Fairies

Join The Puzzle Club

The fairies are thrilled to announce that they have started another magical fairy club. They would like to invite you to join The Magical Fairy Puzzle Club. Use your skills to assemble thirty to one thousand-piece puzzles to discover an incredible fairy. In Fairy Land, fairies get together on a regular basis to play games and they will be adding puzzles to their list of fun activities. Each of our fairy puzzles is available on Redbubble and comes packaged in a metal box for storage convenience. We have decided to introduce you to eight of our over one hundred fairies who have a puzzle in their collection of merchandise. And, later, we hope that you will continue to explore Teelie’s Fairy Garden for more fairy fun.

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Sherra the Shadow Fairy

Sherra the Shadow Fairy is available on a puzzle with a bright pink background. Her shadow appears to be dancing on this adorable puzzle. Find Sherra’s puzzle and other merchandise on Redbubble.

Buppy The Bunny Fairy

Buppy the Bunny Fairy is adorable. She looks after the bunnies and this is important all year long. Buppy can be found on a puzzle with her bunny friends. This puzzle is filled with bright colors and is sure to be enjoyable for puzzle lovers of all ages. Find it on Redbubble.

Ryssa The Rainbow Fairy

Rainbows are a symbol of hope and Ryssa the Rainbow Fairy is pleased that she can bring you hope when you enjoy doing her puzzle. Several images of Ryssa can be seen on her puzzle as she slides down one of her incredible rainbows. Discover Ryssa’s puzzles and complete collection of merchandise on Redbubble.

Ureen The Unicorn Fairy

Ureen the Unicorn Fairy is beautiful. She can be found on a puzzle with a magical pink background. Learn more about Ureen, her puzzles and other amazing merchandise including some adult and children’s clothing items on Redbubble.

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Moonana-Love in the Moon’s Light

Moonana is an incredible fairy. Fairy Headquarters assigned her to work in the romance department. She has special abilities that can help people fall in love. She has a lovely puzzle in her collection of merchandise which can be found on Redbubble. You can also find her on several other items including mugs, notebooks, journals, and stickers.

Mazu The Mermaid Fairy

Mazu the Mermaid Fairy is pleased to meet you. She is featured on a puzzle with a mauve background. This makes her very happy since it matches her outfit including her magical fin. Find Mazu’s collection of magical merchandise including her puzzle on Redbubble.

Fruitpip Shimer The Handmade House Fairy

Fruitpip Shimer is the Handmade House Fairy. She looks after creating houses for all sorts of magical creatures including mermaids in the oceans, deer and unicorns in the forests and dragons who live around the world. Fruitpip Shimer’s puzzle features an image of her working on a delightful looking home. You can find Fruitpip Shimer’s full collection of merchandise on Redbubble.

Candra the Costume Fairy

Candra the Costume Fairy loves playing dress up. She is also in charge of making sure every fairy in Fairy Land gets a new costume for the annual costume ball. And, with Halloween just around the corner, she’s busy sewing up several magical and spooky costumes for her fairy friends. Find Candra and her puzzles on Redbubble.

Thank you for coming on this magical fairy adventure with us. We hope that you’ll join The Magical Fairy Puzzle Club. There will be a monthly giveaway in which you could win an amazing puzzle featuring one of Teelie Turner’s incredible fairies on it. Also keep watching for updates from Teelie’s Fairy Garden as we have several exciting things happening in the next few weeks including launching some new fairy books including a magical sticker book and the Autumn fairy guide. We’re also available on social media and Bloglovin’ and would love to hear from you.

Fairy Catalog Banner

Sign up to get a copy of the Meet the Fairies catalogue / book. It’s an enchanted opportunity to get better acquainted with over a hundred incredible fairies.

Summer Diy Fairy Banner Sidebar

The fairies would also like to invite you to discover their Super Summer DIY Fairy Guide with fairy gardening ideas on the themes of farming, camping and the beach. Find it here.

All In Banner For Clubs

The Fairies have started several magical fairy collector’s clubs. Learn more about them here. All our clubs come with intriguing downloads and chances to win wonderful prizes.


You can also sign up to be an Etsy insider and get notified by e-mail about fairy giveaways, goodies, and sales. Sign up here. 

Just a disclaimer – We have partnered with these companies because we use their products and/or proudly trust and endorse them – so we do receive a commission if you make a purchase or sign up for services. Often, we are able to negotiate special discounts and/or bonuses, which we will pass on to you via our links. We often get short notice on sale items available for 24-48 hours as we will pass these savings onto you.

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