Playground Themed Fairy Garden

Hello, Fairy Lovers! Are you planning to have a new design or theme for your fairy garden? Then try the fun playground theme! It’s exciting and perfect for the sunny season.

Invite jolly and playful fairies to your magical fairy garden! A fairy garden with a playground will not only make the magical creatures happy, it also keeps them young at heart! Add these playful fairies and playground items to your fairy garden and let the enchanted folks have a great dose of playground fun!

Playful Kids and Fairies

Here are the fairy garden items that you can add to make your playground theme more realistic and impressive!


Jack, the Soccer Sprite

Who said fairies can’t play sports? Jack, the soccer sprite can teach other fairies and pixies to play this fun sport in your playground!

Children at Play

Let the fairies join these children as they play with their kite and butterfly net! They’re sure to have lots of fun in your playground!

Fairy Noelle

Fairy Noelle is clearly having fun with her jump rope! The other fairies would be glad to join her!

Fairy Kay

The always energetic Fairy Kay will fill your fairy garden with a festive and happy vibe. Everyone would love to play with her!

Playground Décor

To start your playground fairy garden theme, get these fun playground items! Fairies will be ecstatic to see the fun swing, seesaw and more!


Green Bicycle

Give your fairies nonstop happy and playful moments by getting this antique and adorable green bicycle!

Metal Seesaw

Playtime never stops with this metal seesaw. It features a fun pink color and vibrant green patterns.

Rainbow Tire Swing

This rainbow tire swing is designed to add vibrancy and appeal to your fairy garden. Fairies, pixies, and gnomes will be excited to play on this!


Bring the fun of the sand to your fairy garden with this awesome sandbox. Fairies will be so excited to make lots of sandcastles!


For more playground items, click here.

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