Party with the Hula Fairies By the Beach

Meet this pair of magical hula fairies who are headed for the beach! Summer has made the waters warmer, with the sunshine beaming down on the waves, making them sparkle. It’s harkening for a vacation for everyone, and even fairies would love to head out to the edge of the water to play in the sand and dip their toes into the tides. These hula fairies have brought with them quite an assortment of goodies to enjoy while on their day out!

From flip flops to buckets, to castles and shells; the hula fairies have brought quite a lot of things to make this big beach trip a wonderful summer memory. Have a look at the wonderful things that they have brought with them as they prepare for a day of hula dancing out at the beach!

1. The Lovely Hula Fairies

These two hula fairies are looking forward to their day at the beach. Winter has been cold and long, and when the spring came it was still too chilly to really don the grass skirts. Summer then arrived, which brought memories of their tropical homes, and now it’s time for them to head out to the beach for some music and dancing! Meet them at the set in Etsy.

2. A Bouncing Beach Ball

Who doesn’t love playing with a beach ball out at the shore? The hula fairies have brought their own beach ball; the same one they’ve had as children. They would happily use it as a floater out in the shallow water (wet wings don’t really help during swimming). They might even toss it to some mermaids for a game at the waters of the cove. See it with the set at Etsy.

3. An Enchanted Sand Castle

Most sand castles are fragile and fleeting, easily succumbing to the force of waves and the tides. Not so for our hula fairies’ sand castle! This castle stays looking perfect, with its stone walls, towers and battlements, even if the small waves and tides at the shore happen to wash around it. How does it do this? With a little bit of fairy dust in the sand, of course! See it with the set at Etsy.

4. Beautiful Beach Buckets

The hula fairies came equipped with quite a few sand buckets! They have three in total, all in different colors. They will need them for different things: to gather sand to build their castle, to put little wandering beach critters in, and one for gathering seashells. A beach bucket is a must have for vacations out at the edge of the ocean, even for fairies! See them with the set at Etsy.

5. The Hula Fairies’ Wicker Beach Basket

Of course, as they had brought so many things with them, the fairies will need a little basket for all the stuff. They’ve brought the loveliest beach basket, hand woven by fairies. It may look small, but don’t be fooled: an enchantment has allowed its inside to fit all the different beach gear that the fairies will be bringing with them to the beach! Get it with the set at Etsy.

6. Fairy Snorkel and Flippers

Fairies can’t quite swim like mermaids can; they live mostly in the forests and do have wings. But they do enjoy a bit of snorkeling now and again to visit their mermaid friends’ cottages and castles, as well as explore the lovely reefs. With this pair of enchanted flippers and magical snorkel, fairies can breathe underwater and go exploring freely. See them with the set at Etsy.

7. A Smattering of Seashells

Part of the fun of going to the beach is gathering seashells. The hula fairies have scooped up quite a bit of them too! The shells would make perfect mementoes of their day out at the beach. They would also make lovely gifts for their friends who don’t live in tropical climates like they do. They’ll enjoy the seaside gifts and use them as decoration for their little homes. Get the shells with the set at Etsy.

8. The White Picket Fence

As with any fairy, the hula fairies aren’t too keen on being spotted by unwelcome visitors. That’s why they’ve gone to a secluded bit of coast where they won’t encounter anyone strange. Just to be on the safe side, however, they’ve conjured up a little white fence to keep intruders out. Now they have a little private beach to themselves! Get the fence with the set at Etsy.

9. The Fairy Flip Flops

The only way to explore the beach is to do so barefoot! There’s no room for socks or shoes here! But just in case the summer sun gets that sand too hot, a pair of flip flops may be in order. The hula fairies have brought along two pairs: one striped and the other pink with glittery polka dots. Very colorful and very summery flip flops; absolutely perfect for their trip to the beach. See them with the set at Etsy.

10. The Big Seashells

These seashells aren’t like the kinds usually found at the beach. These shells are gifts from the mermaids who have secreted them out of the deep trenches, where much bigger sea creatures come from. These lovely, giant shells can be used for all sorts of things. They can be turned into enchanted horns that call on the tide, or hold great big pearls and other treasures. Get them with the set at Etsy.

The hula fairies are overjoyed to finally be able to head to the beach and enjoy the sun, the sand, and the sea. There is so much fun to be had at the edge of the foaming waves and water, and they’re hoping that more fairies and fairy friends will be able to experience it with them!

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