Magical Stepping Stones for Fairy and Human Gardens

Stepping stones

Hello fairy friends, our fairy merchants have a treat for you today. With beautiful weather outside and gardening taking place, the fairies wanted to share some magical stepping stone options for you. They have chosen some stepping stone for fairy gardens and others for human gardens. After you enjoy the walk on our stepping stone path, we hope that you will continue to explore Teelie’s Fairy Garden so that you can discover many magical fairy items, advice, and upcoming book releases.

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For Fairies

Stepping stones for fairies are miniature in size and are only big enough for a fairy’s small feet to walk on.

Great Words Stepping Stones

The first stepping stones that we have decided to share with you are words of wisdom. Each stepping stone has a different inspirational word on it such as dance, sing or laugh. You can find these stepping stones on Etsy.

Adorable Stepping Stones

Painted stones are a wonderful choice for fairy garden stepping stones as long as the paint is water resistant if you are placing your fairy garden outside. We found some rocks that had penguins painted on them. They’re available on Etsy.

Floral Stepping Stones

When you think of a garden, you likely think about the flowers that go in it. You can also have floral stepping stones for your fairy garden. We found a cute set of four on Etsy.

Adorable Bird Stepping Stones

Your fairy garden theme could match the stepping stones that you use, or you can use the stepping stones to accent the design that you choose. We found some cute stepping stones that have birds on them. They are available on Etsy.

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For Humans

Human stepping stones are much larger than the ones for a fairy garden. There are numerous choices available from plain to elaborate. The fairy merchants decided to show you these four options.

Breathtaking Stepping Stone

The tree of life is a beautiful and breathtaking image and it can be found on a stepping stone. If you would like to breathe some life into your garden, this stepping stone might be for you. It is available on Etsy.

Cute Turtle Stepping Stone

We also found a cute turtle stepping stone on Etsy which you might enjoy. It comes as a mold so you could use it to create as many stepping stones as you require for your garden.

Delightful Stepping Stone

Our next stepping stone option is bright and colorful. It includes an image of a yellow rain boot with polka dots on it, flowers, and gardening tools. It is available on Etsy.

Hummingbird Stepping Stone

Our final stepping stone for today features  hummingbirds. Since it is bird themed it would also complement a fairy garden that is bird themed or includes the bird themed stepping stones,  if it is in the center of a human garden. You can find the hummingbird stepping stone on Etsy.

Thank you for visiting Teelie’s Fairy Garden. We hope that you enjoyed your walk down our stepping stone lined path. Please come back and visit us soon. You can also find us on  social media and Bloglovin’ or comment in this post and we’ll get back to you.

Also, please visit the Teelie’s Fairy Garden Facebook page which will allow you to help select a magical fairy or creature which will have a story written about it. Please take a second to place your vote.

You can also learn more about it in our blog post too.

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