Learn a New Melody With the Fairies

Fairy playing the harp

It’s a beautiful day in Fairy Land and your being here makes it even more wonderful. Thank you for joining us for today’s adventure. Today we’re going to be helping you learn a new melody with the fairies. A musical melody that is. We’re going to introduce you to several music fairies and let you know how music has a positive impact on a fairy’s life. Human believers, we hope that your life is filled with music every day. After you meet our musical fairies, we’d like to invite you to stay and play with us in Teelie’s Fairy Garden.


And, did you know that some of our fairies have storybooks written about them? You can learn more about them here.

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Music With Friends

Playing music with friends makes the gift of music even more enjoyable. In this adorable fairy scene that is available on Amazon, you’ll meet three amazing fairy teens. Jed plays the tambourine, Noah the violin and Bonnie and her adorable pet squirrels are in charge of reading the music book.

Practising for a Garden Concert

Practising music for a garden concert is a great way to enjoy this stimulating pastime. In this enchanting scene, two fairy girls are spending time together. Lily is swinging on an adorable swing supporting her friend Grace who is practising on the harp. Close your eyes for a minute and listen, hopefully you’ll be able to hear the music. You can find this scene on Amazon.

Music is Good for the Soul

Our next fairy is playing the flute outside of her cute garden cottage. This fairy knows that music is good for the soul and she is allowing herself to have some relaxation time as she plays her favorite songs. Want to invite this fairy into your garden? She’d be happy to join you. You can find her, and her cottage set on Amazon.

Music is Therapeutic

Music has many therapeutic properties and the fairies are always embracing this in their own lives and using their musical talents to help others. In this scene one fairy is playing the harp while the other listens and applauds. Their furniture set looks extremely comfortable – a great place to enjoy music notes. You’ll find this fairy set on Amazon.

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Bring Music to Any Garden

These two fairies know how to bring music to any garden. They love to travel and play the flute and sing. They especially love bright colored plants. Sometimes while they sing, they help fairy gardeners figure out how their fairy garden should look by standing in different spots to help them visualize the garden’s appearance with fairy figurines in it. You’ll find this adorable set on Amazon.

A Concert for the Animals

Fairy animals also love music. In this scene fairies are playing a flute and singing to a deer and a frog while enjoying the beauty and tranquility of the outdoors. They all enjoy this special time together. You can find this six-piece set on Amazon.

Music at a Fairy Tea

Drinking a cup of magical fairy tea and listening to some beautiful music is another favorite pastime for the fairies and their animal friends. In this scene, one fairy is playing a harp, while another holds a bunny, and another is ready to pour tea or serve sweets whenever anyone wants more delicious treats. Want to share the joy of this magical moment with your family, you can find this amazing set on Amazon.

Gnomes Are Musical Too

Fairies are not the only musical ones around Fairy Land, there are also some musical gnomes who are also very talented when it comes to dancing. The gnomes’ band is hoping to be good enough to be invited to play a really big fairy party later this year. They’re going to be holding their own special party with family and friends to celebrate Mardi Gras. You can find these gnomes on Amazon.

Thank you again for joining us in Teelie’s Fairy Garden. The music fairies are glad that they had this opportunity to meet you. Did you get a chance to see this week’s Enchanted Eight? It’s very magical. The garden is filled with adventures for you to read and learn about. Please tell your friends so that they can come and play with us too.


Every Friday, you’ll also find a sale on at our Etsy Store which could inspire your fairy garden adventures. There are many items on sale from 25-40% off. Check it out here.

You can also sign up to be an Etsy insider and get notified by e-mail about fairy giveaways, goodies and sales. Sign up here.

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