How to Create A Winter Carnival Themed Fairy Garden

how to create a winter carnival themed fairy garden

It’s a great time of the year for a magical winter carnival in Fairy Land. If you’re like to create your own winter carnival themed fairy garden, we at Teelie’s Fairy Garden have some helpful suggestions for you. Above all, we want you to have fun choosing pieces for your garden.

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Delightful Treats

Fairies love delicious treats and having some food booths at your winter carnival could be great options for keeping your fairy visitors happy. We found some miniature Valentine’s themed cupcakes that would be perfect. Find them on Etsy.

A Magical Skating Spot

Having a magical spot to skate like a pond or town rink is wonderful. In Fairy Land, there are numerous spots where fairies can enjoy floating around on their skates. Most of the spots have a bench available so that fairies can have a seat to take a break or enjoy some treats or a hot beverage. Find a fairy bench with a magical red pair of skates on Etsy.

Enchanted Directions

We found some enchanted directions to magical places in Fairy Land like Pixie Pond and Ice Grotto that can be printed out and laminated. These directions could also be named for special activities at your winter carnival. Learn more on Etsy.

Outdoor Activities

There are numerous outdoor activities that can be enjoyed at a carnival such as skating, skiing, sledding, and playing in the snow. We found some magical children who wanted you share their love of winter with you. Further details are available on Amazon.

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Intriguing Snowboarding Adventure

Snowboarding is another intriguing winter activity for some. We found a Santa Claus Nutcracker who was vacation and was excited to give this sport a try during the fairies’ winter carnival. Perhaps, he’ll find a snowboarding hill in your fairy garden. Find him on Amazon.

Wonderful Hot Cocoa

Hot cocoa is a must at a magical winter carnival. There should be lots of extra marshmallows and a candy cane stir stick for maximum sweetness. The fairies also love dollops of whipped cream. We found an adorable sign announcing a hot cocoa booth on Etsy.

Snowperson Building Contest

Some winter carnivals include a snowperson building contest. We found an adorable looking snowman who was wearing a Santa hat and holding a bird on his hand. Santa didn’t mind lending this hat to this January event since he won’t be wearing it for almost another year as he enjoys a vacation away from the North Pole. He’s currently enjoying winter sports and competitions. Find this snowperson on Etsy.

Whimsical Fairy Attractions

We found a whimsical fairy garden home that is incredible. It would be a perfect discovery for a winter carnival. It is pictured above. Some items in the picture are there for effect and are not included. Complete details are available on Etsy.

Thank you for joining us to learn about creating a DIY winter carnival themed fairy garden. Teelie’s Fairy Garden invites you to let us know about your fairy gardens on social media. We’d love to see photos and videos too. New adventures will be posted again soon. Please continue to visit us for updates on them.

If you missed last week’s blog, watch our video:

Hearts 937664 1280

Find the fairies’ magical Valentine’s poem here. 

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