How to Create a Magical Halloween Fairy Garden

How to Create a Magical Halloween Fairy Garden

Welcome back to Fairy Land. Today, we’re going to give you some tricks and tips on creating your own Halloween DIY fairy garden. We’ll show you eight fun features to make a fun or spooky Halloween garden. You can take these ideas and mix and match with other accessories if you’d like, so that it really feels like your fantasy Halloween garden. For more Halloween fun, continue to visit Teelie’s Fairy Garden. We’ll be sharing a few fun fairy garden photos with you as we go to inspire you. Here is one featuring a jack-o-lantern and bat.

Halloween Fairy Garden

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Black Cats

Some people think that black cats are bad luck, but we think they’re very magical. They have a lot of wisdom that has been shared to them by the witches over time. Add a black cat to your fairy garden and consider getting this special set on Etsy that also includes an orange Halloween tree and other fun accessories.

Trick-or-Treating Picnic

Have you always considered picnics a summer activity? They can be enjoyed all year round in one form or another. This Halloween picnic includes a chia drink, a hotdog, an apple, treats and a trick-or-treating bag. Perhaps the wee folk are going to enjoy their picnic while waiting for the children of Fairy Land to go trick-or-treating in the park. Full details on this magical picnic are available on Etsy.

Halloween Fairy Door

This miniature blue and white fairy door features a bat, clouds, and a personalized sign post. It is the perfect entry point into your magical Halloween garden. Find it on Etsy.


Consider dressing up the wee folk and the animals who are spending time in your Halloween fairy garden. This little bunny decided to dress up like a witch in a magical purple costume. Find it on Etsy.

Here is a spooky Halloween garden photo.


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Candy is a must in your Halloween fairy garden. If you’re worried that the wee folk will eat your décor, you can choose some that are made of resin and clay like the ones pictured above which are available on Etsy.

Fairy / Gnome House

Consider a fairy or gnome house. That way your wee folk friends will have someplace that they can decorate for Halloween. It will also be a great place for them to be able to enjoy the comforts of home. Perhaps it even has a fireplace inside where they can read spooky stories at night. Find a magical home on Etsy. We chose a pumpkin shaped one.

Haunted House

The wee folk love a haunted house. We found a really intriguing one on Etsy. It is orange and black one featuring lots of Halloween symbolism. It would be a wonderful place for the wee folk to visit and enjoy some scares and laughs.

Garden Greeter

You can also designate a fairy or member of the wee folk to be your garden greeter. The greeter can direct your trick-or-treating visitors about which paths to take to find the haunted house etc. We chose the Fall Harvest Acorn Fairy as our greeter. You can find her on Etsy.

Here is another cute looking fairy garden.


And this is a spooky  fairy garden.

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Thank you for visiting. We hope that you enjoyed seeing our ideas for a DIY Halloween fairy garden. We hope that you’ll keep coming back to Teelie’s Fairy Garden as we have several exciting things happening in the next few weeks including launching some new fairy books including a magical sticker book and the Autumn fairy guide. We’re also available on social media and Bloglovin’ and would love to hear from you.

Trandall1379 The Halloween Adventures

Discover our amazing Halloween book: The Halloween Adventures of the 5 Spooktacular Witches. Find it here. 

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The fairies would also like to invite you to discover their Super Summer DIY Fairy Guide with fairy gardening ideas on the themes of farming, camping and the beach. Find it here. An Autumn Guide will be released soon.

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