Fantastic Fairy-Themed Winter Sports Items for Ice Fae at Play

There’s nothing like feeling that crisp cold winter air and heading outside to play as the fat snowflakes tumble down from the sky! It makes you feel almost as though you’re an ice fairy yourself, especially as you watch your little fairy garden gently covered in white snow. Snow days are a perfect chance to play like the fairies do, and even give your fairy garden an added hint of sporty enjoyment. There are plenty of sports and activities to try out during the winter days, so why not try some for yourself and introduce some to fairy friends as well?

sledding items

1. Sledding and Tobogganing

When there’s that big crest of snow-covered hillside, it’s impossible to resist pulling up a sled or a toboggan to whiz down into the powder! Give your fairy friends a sled of their own (Amazon) and let them flutter and fly down a nice white slope. And a nice sporty sled (Amazon) would be the most perfect addition to a fairy garden, where you can have one of the animals pull a fairy along the snow. For some fullsized fun for us humans, add a touch of magic to sliding down the snow with your own noble steed: a unicorn inflatable (Amazon) that will have you rushing outside to hurtle down the hills in no time.


fishing items

2. Ice Fishing

For great outdoorsmen, ice fishing is a must-have experience during the winter. Why not introduce some of our fairy friends to the sport of fishing this winter? It would be so adorable to cut a little hole over a frozen pond in the garden, or maybe even just the water in the birdbath, and have a little fairy fishing scene there! Make sure they have a little fishing rod (Fairy Garden) on hand, with the bait dangling into the water, as they sit in their little boat (Fairy Garden) waiting for that elusive bite. Next to them sits a little creel (Fairy Garden) already full of fish, so hopefully a little more luck comes by so they’ll enjoy their fishing trip!



3. Skiing

When the snow is heavy and fresh, skiing is one of the most fun sports out there. Fortunately for our fairy friends, the snow doesn’t have to be piled so high and thick for them to enjoy slaloming down the slopes. Make sure your fairies have skis in hand (Amazon) and brace them on top of a little hill for your scene.  Have a little spare set of wooden skis and poles (Amazon) ready in case any other little fairies want to join in on the skiing, and a wee mountain lodge (Etsy) looks will make everyone feel as though they were right in the fairy alps.

skating items

4. Skating

The most quintessential of winter sports, skating is full of beauty and artistry when gliding over the ice. Wouldn’t it be a sight to see fairies dancing over a frozen little pond (Etsy) of their own, flying over the ice and so weightless? Leave a pair of beautiful white skates (Etsy) for visiting fairies to enjoy, and urge them to join other fairies already skating (Amazon) out on the ice. Make sure to leave a bench (Amazon) nearby for them to rest on!


With so much fun and adventure out in the ice and snow, ice fairies will be flocking so happily to your garden in no time!


More fun winter things for fairies can be found here:


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