Fairy Masks for Men and Boys

Boy Masks

Welcome to Fairy Land. We’re glad that you are able to join us today. The fairies like being able to spend time with you. They like telling you stories and hearing yours. We know that currently many people are wearing masks when they are out in public and we are not talking about the ones that fairies love to wear to the annual Halloween masquerade ball. The fairies wanted you to have an opportunity to find a mask that makes you smile when you where it. Many of the masks in our collection are geared towards women but we wanted to share some options that would be great for boys or men. And please continue to visit Teelie’s Fairy Garden to learn about what else is happening in Fairy Land.

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Gnome Mask

The first mask that we wanted to show you is of Genius the gnome. Genius has an important job in Fairy Land. He is responsible for ensuring that all the fairies have the proper gnome to help them and assist them in their fairy gardens. You can find Genius’s mask on Redbubble.

Duck Mask

Henry the Duck is Eliza the Easter Fairy’s pet duck. We thought that a boy might enjoy this mask as ducks can be fun pets. You can find it on Redbubble.

Chipmunk Mask

This is another cute mask that a boy might enjoy. It features Chipy the Valentine chipmunk but can be worn at any time of the year. It is available on Redbubble.

Red Pirate Fairy Mask

Peppin the Pirate Fairy is featured on a red mask. This fairy pirate is Pirate Pete’s brother and he has assisted on several particularly important missions. Sometimes he has to fold up his wings and hide them so that no one on his ships know that he’s a fairy. You can find this mask on Redbubble.

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Tommy Tinker Mask

Tommy Tinker is a tinkerer fairy which means that he fixes things. He helped to find the lost candy factory and help restore it in his book Tommy Tinker and the Lost Candy Factory. His mask can be found on Redbubble.

Bubba Mask

Bubba the Head Candy Taster Fairy tastes candy at the candy factory in Fairy Land. He also loves to bake, and he spreads joy with his tasty confections. His mask is available on Redbubble.

Owl Mask

The on the wings of an owl mask features an owl carrying a fairy. Perhaps something happened to reduce the fairy’s magical powers. This magical mask is available on Redbubble.

Boy Fairy Mask

Brokk the boy fairy wanted us to share some information about himself with you. He said, “Being a boy fairy is a paramount responsibility in the fairy kingdom. You see boy fairies are more the protector fairies of all the fairies in the fairy kingdom. Now we still have tendencies just like human boys and getting into a bit of mischief but that’s part of being a boy or a boy fairy. My assignment from Fairy Headquarters is taking care of and helping all flower fairies tend to the flowers in the Royal fairy garden.” You can find Brokk’s mask on Redbubble.  

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Green Pirate Fairy Mask

Puppa the Pirate Fairy’s mask is green. Puppa wanted us to tell you a bit about him. He said, “I work around the docks where ships stop to load and unload treasure and merchandise. You don’t need to be afraid of me, I’m not a bad pirate. I work hard to make sure that items which might have been taken by bad pirates are returned to their owners. I was trained to do my job in Fairy Land. Having magic fairy dust helps me to do my job well.” Puppa’s mask is available on Redbubble.

Blue Pirate Fairy Mask

Pirate Peter or Pirate Pete as his friends call him is a Pirate Fairy. He is found on a blue pirate mask. He and his brother Peppin who is also a pirate fairy work on ships. Pirate Pete has many duties including teaching cabin boys on the ship’s important skills. Pirate Pete also recently helped rescue a secret fairy treasure. His mask can be found on Redbubble.

Mushroom Gnome Mask

Knooonk Finebus is the Handmade Gnome and he is seen sitting on top of a mushroom on his fairy mask. You can see it on Redbubble.

Toadstool and Mushroom Mask

The final mask that we are going to show you today for boys or men is of Tivona the Toadstool. He is seen on the mask with his mushroom friend. This mask can be found on Redbubble.

All of these masks are fitted with ear straps to make the masks fit snugly and they are made from two layers of soft Polyester. For each mask sold, Redbubble donates a blank one to Heart to Heart International. The fairies love this giving spirit. We hope that you enjoyed having a look at our suggestions for masks for men and boys. Please keep visiting Teelie’s Fairy Garden for new fairy products and updates.  Also look for us on social media including Twitter and Pinterest and Bloglovin’ or comment in this post and we’ll get back to you.

Fantastic Fairy Contest

Also, please visit the Teelie’s Fairy Garden Facebook page which will allow you to help select a magical fairy or creature which will have a story written about it. Please take a second to place your vote.

You can also learn more about it in our blog post too.

You can also sign up to be an Etsy insider and get notified by e-mail about fairy giveaways, goodies, and sales. Sign up here.

Just a disclaimer – We have partnered with these companies because we use their products and/or proudly trust and endorse them – so we do receive a commission if you make a purchase or sign up for services. Often, we are able to negotiate special discounts and/or bonuses, which we will pass on to you via our links. We often get short notice on sale items available for 24-48 hours as we will pass these savings onto you.

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