Enjoy An Exciting Adventure With Buppy The Bunny Fairy

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Buppy the Bunny Fairy is inviting you to join her on this week’s enchanted adventure though Teelie’s Fairy Garden. She cannot wait to introduce you to some of her incredible bunny friends.  

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This beautiful tote bag features Buppy the Bunny Fairy and two of her adorable rabbit pals. This is one of numerous pieces of merchandise that you can find featuring Buppy and her friends. Let the magic begin.

These two adorable brown bunnies are enjoying some time outdoors on a magical floral green slide. Buppy the Bunny Fairy loves it when she and her companions can take a break from their work to enjoy playtime.

This adorable miniature rabbit is sitting on a stump reading a book. We hope it is a magical story by Teelie Turner. Buppy the Bunny Fairy always reads her bunnies a bedtime story.

This little bunny got itself stuck in a cabbage. It’ll nibble on some of the leaves to be able to get itself out, or else Buppy the Bunny Fairy will use her magic to rescue it.

These rabbits are rowing in their leaf boat. We expect they are having a lot of fun on their grand adventure as they head down stream. We know that Buppy the Bunny Fairy used a special magical spell to ensure the leaf works like a boat.

This adorable little rabbit is enjoying its time relaxing on the hammock. We can imagine it sitting there while listening to birds and frogs sing it a tune.

This rabbit is wearing a cute blue shirt. It is made to hang over a planter pot. We love how the bunny can add some brightness to your planter. Buppy the Bunny Fairy likes it too.

This white rabbit is slightly larger than the others we’ve been looking at with Buppy the Bunny Fairy. It is a garden statue of a bunny gathering up carrots.

Join us again next week when Candy the Christmas Fairy shows you some magical Christmas items that you might want to enjoy this Christmas in July. 

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