Enchanted Eight: Starting Your Fairy Adventure from a Kit

Welcome back to Teelie’s Fairy Garden. We’re all so glad that you were able to locate our fairy door so that you could enter Fairy Land. This week we have another magical Enchanted Eight planned for you. We are learning about miniature dollhouse kits and how you can start your fairy adventure from a kit. And, if you already have a kit, you’ll be able to learn about other kits that you might want to start or use to expand your fairy’s area in your home.

Every Friday, you’ll also find a sale on at our Etsy Store which could inspire your fairy garden adventures. There are many items on sale from 25-40% off. Check it out here.

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Kits that Include Music

There are so many options for fairy kits, and it can take some exploring to find just the right one. We liked this one from Amazon because it included a music box meaning the fairies will always have a tune to dance to. It is also a Caribbean themed house that includes a small boat and lots of amazing furniture which would make any fairy happy, whether it was for their permanent home or a vacation getaway.

A Road Trip Without Leaving Home

Do you like to go camping? If you do, we have the perfect fairy  kit for you. It is known as the Happy Camper model and can be found on Amazon. With the pieces and accessories provided, you get to create a travelling paradise for your fairy friends.

Kits that are Designed for Family

We discovered a miniature dollhouse that includes furniture. It is made to be able to be set up as a family so that everyone can enjoy the creative process. It can help children and families come up with charming stories about the rooms inside their dollhouse and the inhabitants of it. The dollhouse can be used for miniature dolls but why not make it even more magical by adding some fairies who can spread a dusting of fairy dust over everything making it even more wondrous? If you’d like to make this dollhouse kit your own, you can find it on Amazon.

Kits that Incorporate Pets

Do you want a kit that is magical and is more than just furniture and usual dollhouse furnishings? Do you want to give your fairies something extraordinary that you can make by putting your arts and craft skills to good use? Then, we have found a kit that will please you and the fairies who come to live with you. We located a charming kit on Amazon called ‘Cat’s Porch.’ It includes a cat, colorful flowers and furnishings that will delight you and the fairies.

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Kits that Inspires You

When searching through the numerous options for a miniature dollhouse kit, take your time to discover what models are available. You should choose a kit that inspires you. You should feel excitement well up within your heart and soul as you look at it and read about it. You should feel the magic surrounding the kit. We saw this flower greenhouse on Amazon and felt that it would please many of our fairy lover friends. It has many beautiful accessories and creates a stunning product when completed.

Kits that Incorporate Other Passions

With so many kits available, there are many options to step outside of the box and choose a miniature dollhouse kit which has some unique features which fit your lifestyle. You can also choose a kit that is inspired by your personal passions or by your favorite fairies. We know that Courtney who is a fairy seamstress would love this particular kit which we found on Amazon because it is a sewing room. If you love sewing, then you’ll also find it the perfect kit to build for your own enjoyment and that of your fairy friends.

Consider your Kit a Hobby

Do you love fairies and cute miniature things? But perhaps gardening isn’t your passion and you’d like another way to incorporate fairies into your life, instead of building them a beautiful exterior oasis among ferns and flowers? Then, think about getting a ‘do it yourself’ miniature dollhouse kit. A miniature dollhouse is the perfect size for fairies as they have a small stature. A kit will also allow you to build a home for your fairies that both you and they can love. The kit is filled with beautiful accessories and comes with instructions and pre-cut pieces to help you get it just right. Ready to give it a try? Visit Amazon to find this kit (#3 in the second image above) and many others.

Consider the Design

Our final tip for today’s Enchanted Eight, Miniature Dollhouse Edition, is to consider the design of the dollhouse and think about how it makes you feel. Are you happy looking at the image of what the completed project is supposed to be? Or would you rather it if the home you’re building for your fairy friends was different. With so many different miniature dollhouse kits on the market, you don’t have to settle  for design that doesn’t suit you. The miniature dollhouse that you choose should make your heart flutter with joy and anticipation, the same way  that a fairy’s wings flutter to take flight, or to dispense some fairy dust. This final dollhouse which you may enjoy is a beautiful kit which plays music but is a different style from the first musical dollhouse which we shared at the beginning of this week’s Enchanted Eight. If you’d like to own it, visit Amazon.

We’re glad that you joined us as we explored these adorable miniature dollhouse kit options for your fairy oasis. We also wanted to share this video with you, if you’d prefer that  your fairies’ paradise is in a garden instead of a dollhouse. And, don’t forget to keep exploring Teelie’s Fairy Garden after you’ve watched it.

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