Enchanted Eight: Spellbinding Rabbit Tales

girl and rabbit

With Easter only a short while away, the fairies have chosen to introduce you to some of their rabbit friends for this week’s Enchanted Eight. The rabbits are keeping very busy throughout Fairy Land with their preparations for this magical holiday. And, once you’ve had a chance to meet these sweet bunnies, we’d like you to stay with us in Teelie’s Fairy Garden so that we can continue to introduce you to some amazing things.

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Rabbits Love To Garden

The first rabbit that the fairies would like to introduce you to loves to garden. She is illustrated holding a turnip that she harvested. She loves to play in the dirt and to watch her garden grow. In addition to food, she loves to grow flowers. Pansies are some of her favorites. You can find a figurine of her on Amazon.

Rabbits Love To Play

Rabbits don’t just like to play in the dirt, they enjoy a wide range of activities including sledding, in all seasons. Rabbits will sled in the snow, but they also enjoy garden sledding in the mud or on dirt hills. Sometimes, they even put out a carpet to make their handmade sleds go faster. You can find a figurine of two rabbits sledding on Amazon.

Rabbits Are Adventurous

Rabbits are adventurous and enjoy many indoor and outdoor activities. One of the adventures that the fairies’ bunny friends enjoy is boating. Some of the fairies helped the rabbits make special leaf boats so that they can paddle around in ponds and streams. A little bit of fairy dust helps ensure that the rabbits’ boats will stay afloat. You can find a fairy figurine of a cute little bunny paddling in its leaf boat on Amazon.

Rabbits Are Great Friends

Rabbits make great friends and the fairies are proud to know many of the rabbits in Fairy Land and throughout the world. Rabbits come in an assortment of different colours. Some have floppy ears and some of their ears stand straight up. Some also have long fur and some have shorter hair. Learning about each rabbit and getting to know them by name is something that the nature fairies’ are especially good at. If you’d like to introduce some rabbit figurines into your home, a collection of four is available on Amazon.

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Rabbits Enjoy Vegetables

Did you know that rabbits enjoy vegetables? In this way, their diets are very different compared to the fairies who could eat sweets for every meal and snack. Rabbits especially enjoy carrots, celery and cabbage. When rabbits join fairies on picnics, the fairies always make sure that they have plenty of vegetables to offer the bunnies. You can find a figurine of three white bunnies rolling a cabbage on Amazon.

Rabbits Love To Read

Rabbits also enjoy to read and around Fairy Land, that’s great news because the fairies and their other friends love a good story. One of the rabbits’ favorite stories was written by Teelie Turner and is about Eliza, the Easter Fairy. You can find a figurine of an adorable bunny reading on a tree stump on Amazon.

Rabbits Like A Cozy Nest

Bunnies like to live in a cozy nest and also enjoy getting some sunshine during the day. Some of the rabbits find items in nature to use for their nest or for a resting area. A few little bunnies located a walnut and were able to fit inside. It provides the perfect amount of shade and sun exposure. A replica of this cute rabbit scene is available on Amazon.

Rabbits Need Entertainment

Rabbits need some sort of entertainment to keep them busy. While they do like to take a nap here and there, they stay active most of the day. And, while their gardening keeps them busy, they also look for other means of entertainment. It doesn’t have to be much to pique a bunny’s interest, something like a leaf will keep them busy for hours. Some bunnies like to play hide and seek among the leaves. You’ll find an adorable scene of two bunnies playing with a leaf on Amazon.

The fairies would like to thank you for letting them introduce you to some of their rabbit friends. They hope that you know more about rabbits now and that you’ll be on the lookout for them as you travel throughout Fairy Land. They hope you can spend a bit more time in Teelie’s Fairy Garden exploring its beauty.

Every Friday, you’ll also find a sale on at our Etsy Store which could inspire your fairy garden adventures. There are many items on sale from 25-40% off. Check it out here.

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