Enchanted Eight: Imaginative Indoor Fairy Gardens

Imaginative indoor fairy garden houses

Hello fairy friends, I’m so glad that you could join us. Here in Fairy Land, we know that things on earth are ever changing and we want our human friends to know that we are thinking of you all. This week our fairies came up with eight enchanting and imaginative indoor fairy garden ideas. And, all of them are available for purchase online, so you can have  them delivered to you. And, there are lots of great stories to read and fairy items to see in Teelie’s Fairy Garden.


The fairies also have great news for you. You could enter for a chance to win a copy of Eliza the Easter Fairy.

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A Comfortable Cottage

Consider a comfortable cottage for your fairy friends when they come to  visit. The cottage kit that the fairies chose is even already home to a fairy by the name of Isla. She looks forward to joining your family as you explore indoor fairy gardening. You can find this kit on Amazon.

Colorful and Creative

The next fairy garden kit which the fairies want to share with you, is colorful and creative. It has numerous accessories including a bridge, a mystical fairy cottage, a fairy, furniture and toadstool mushrooms. This kit is available on Amazon.

A Fanciful Favorite

The next fairy garden house comes with a magical treehouse, two fairies in beautiful clothing and a sign pointing towards the fairies’ cottages and gnomes’ lodgings. Its bright colors and magical look make this one of the fairies’ favorites from today’s Enchanted Eight. This garden house and its accessories are available on Amazon.

A Floral Dream

The next fairy pick is the perfect place for small flower pots where a variety of different flowers can grow. The look of stone is rustic and charming, and the appearance of moss and flowers adds some brightness to this magical design. There is a tiny fairy garden cottage that overlooks the gardening area so that the fairies that might come to live there would always see the beauty of the garden from their windows. This is available on Amazon.

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A Place to Call Home

The fairies love living in Fairy Land but they also like going to the human world to bring joy to humans. With the right fairy garden and if the human is a true believer, fairies will make the choice to live with you. This fairy garden set comes with numerous incredibly detailed fairy garden accessories including furniture and décor. All it needs is someone to set it up and call on the fairies. This cute kit is available on Amazon.

A Sweet Paradise

The fairies love sweets and this magical fairy garden set is made for a fairy lover who adores treats too. They found a  twenty-nine-piece set on Amazon which include lollipops, ice cream sundaes, ice cream cones and milkshakes. These sweets make up fairy garden houses, trailers, light poles and bridges. There are also adorable unicorns and energetic fairies who love being part of this sweet paradise.

Full of Possibilities

Our next fairy pick is offered on Amazon and is filled with possibilities and endless enjoyment. It is made of thirty-one-pieces which include fairy and gnome figurines, fairy houses, fairy doors and garden accessories. It is bright, colorful and extremely magical.

A Welcoming Atmosphere

Fairy sisters Ava and Sofia want to welcome you to their fairy home. They live in a charming stone house with their pets (a cat, a dog, a snail and a frog). The girls love to read and are currently learning about Eliza the Easter Fairy. You can find this welcoming fairy home on Amazon.


The fairies put together a video with all of these weeks selections. Take a few minutes to see how the fairies can make you feel at home.


Thank you for exploring these amazing fairy garden homes with us. All of these kits can be used to create an indoor fairy garden that will inspire you and bring a smile to your face. The fairies want to wish you hope and positivity. Don’t want to return to the human world yet? No problem, Teelie’s Fairy Garden has more exciting things for you to explore.

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