Enchanted Eight: How to Make Friends with Pixies

Christmas is a time of friendship and that’s why we’d like to introduce to you the pixies in this week’s Enchanted Eight. Pixies are a major part of our adventures in Fairy Land. They are cute, mischievous creatures who are playful and enjoy playing tricks on others. Sometimes, it is hard for them to make friends and so Fairy Headquarters decided to put out this helpful guide to making friends with them. And, when you’re finished learning about how to make friends with the pixies, we’d like to invite you to continue exploring Teelie’s Fairy Garden. It has lots of fun Christmas things happening. Perhaps, you’d like to learn what fairies receive in their Christmas stockings? Or, maybe you’d like to discover the magic of candy canes. You can read about these magical Christmas events and many more by visiting the Fairy Garden.

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Relax with the Pixies

Understanding pixies likes and dislikes will help you to make friends with them. Pixies enjoy meditating, often with magical animals like frogs and owls. If you’d like to make friends with pixies, you might want to offer to join them for some morning meditation or yoga.  And, if you have a special animal friend, bring them along too. You can find a figurine of a pixie holding a frog while meditating at Amazon.

Enjoy Nature

Pixies love being in nature, so if you’d like to become their friends, you could join them in planting their garden in the springtime and caring for it in the summertime. A walk through a beautiful forest in autumn or walking along the crunchy snow in the wintertime are all activities which pixies enjoy. You can find a pixie figurine on Amazon and place them in whichever nature scene that you’d like.

Join Pixies in Play

Pixies love to play games. Some of their favorites happen in nature where they can go searching for frogs or play hide and seek in the pond among the lily pads. The figurine that we chose to illustrate the pixies joy of play is a pixie hugging a frog. You can find it on Amazon. If you don’t have a frog and want to have one so that you and your frogs can all be friends, just ask the pixies for help in finding one. They’ll be so delighted that their little wings with flutter with happiness.

Celebrate the Holidays with Pixies

Pixies love the holidays too and so to become friends with them, you could offer to spend time with them through their holiday celebrations. Helping the pixies decorate for Christmas is a wonderful way to get to know them better. You might want to bring along a little decoration as a housewarming gift for them. It also helps show the pixies that you’re serious about being friends. Due to their mischievousness the pixies are sometimes misunderstood. We chose these frosted cream and pink miniature trees from Amazon as a gift idea.

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Meet the Pixie Families

Getting to know the Pixies’ families is very important to them. Maybe you can offer to babysit or play with the children or to help cook, so that the adult pixies can tend to their gardens. Friendship comes in many forms and many hands make for light work. And did you see the baby pixie wrapped in holly? Isn’t it adorable? You can find it on Amazon.

Read with the Pixies

One activity that Pixies love is reading. So, bring along a book to read with them, or ask the pixies about their favorite stories. Since it is Christmas time, they might want to read Holly’s Magical Fairy Tale Christmas by Teelie Turner. This is a magical story about how a fairy named Holly gets ready for Christmas. You can find a pixie figurine who is reading at Amazon.

Dragon Friends

In addition to frogs, pixies love playing with dragons, another mythical creature which is very often seen around Fairy Land. The good news is that the dragons around Fairy Land are a very friendly type and not the scary kind. Actually, our fairy friend Tommy Tinker recently put out a public service announcement about dragons and let us know why they’d make excellent Christmas gifts.  I’m sure if you could find one to take to a pixie for the holidays, that you’d make a friend for life. If you’d like to own a garden pixie figurine holding a baby dragon, you can find it on Amazon.

Garden with the Pixies

Pixies love to garden. They work hard on their gardens and love to plant and play in the dirt. In our picture we have several pixies gardening, but you can find the one holding a shovel and bucket with an owl on its head on Amazon. If you’d like to garden with the pixies, grab a shovel, bucket and some gardening gloves and join them. They are very intelligent creatures and can teach you a lot about nature’s ways.

Becoming friends with pixies can be a magical gift. They have a wonderful sense of humor and love to laugh and joke around. They like practical jokes and so Halloween is their favorite holiday. But Christmas is a close second because they can decorate their gardens and make snow pixies. They also like sweet treats especially the kind that come from fairy kitchens. We hope that you’ll stay around in Teelie’s Fairy Garden and continue to learn about the pixies, fairies and gnomes that frequent it.

Enter TODAY for a chance to win Holly’s Magical Fairy Tale Christmas book HERE.

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