Enchanted Eight: Fairies and Magic Around the World

The treasure trove for this week gives everyone a peek into the world of fairies beyond the usual fairy lands you might be used to. All around the world, fairy magic is coming to life, blossoming in all different ways. Nearly every country in the world has its own stories about fairies, magical creatures, and enchantments deep in the woods and beyond. That’s why this week’s Enchanted Eight features fairies and magical things from different places around the world and in fairylands beyond.

Let’s take a visit to different parts of the world and see what fairies and magical creatures await us; and discover the wonderful ways by which they can make their magic grow in your own fairy garden!

1. Sofia of the Butterflies

It may surprise you, but butterflies are actually embark on some of the world’s longest overland journeys made by any animal. Butterfly fairies, like Sofia, are full of magic that help butterflies find their way as they migrate from the colder climates to warmer ones and back again. Sofia uses her magic and the stars in the sky to bring the butterflies safely through massive journeys of hundreds of miles just to find their new homes. Meet her at the Fairy Garden.

2. Kiara the East Asian Fairy

In the Far East, nearly all fairies are considered incredibly powerful beings. They take multiple shape and forms, transforming into woodland creatures like butterflies, fireflies, foxes, and more. Kiara, in her splendid butterfly wings and sweeping royal robes, is an elegant queen of the wood in her home. She cares for an entire mountain, making sure that no harm comes to its animals and that everyone is safe from the dangers of the world. Meet her at the Fairy Garden.

3. Arabella, the Fairy of Morocco

In the Eastern sands, Arabella is one of the fairies that help both animals and humans. The climate where she lives can be incredibly difficult for living things. The sun beats down hard at the arid lands of the sands, and Arabella’s job is to make sure to help lost travelers find their way back home. Sometimes she casts mirages at the desert, real only for a brief moment and giving the lost ones respite, before she continues leading them back to where humans live. Meet her at the Fairy Garden.

4. Eyela and her Princess Unicorn

Out in the Western forests, Eyela is one of the most respected fairies of the woodlands. Not only is she one of the finest horsemen in the fairy world, but she is also a friend to the unicorns. She has a very special bond with them, and their trust in her allows other fairies to befriend the usually timid unicorns of the world. Eyela is also the only fairy in the wood that has the honor of riding the Princess Unicorn, and together they bring immense magic into the woodlands. Meet them both at the Fairy Garden.

5. The Treehouse of the Enchanted Eight

Further into the woods, if you follow the sound of laughing young fairies, you might find your way to a hidden glen where this immense enchanted tree stands. This wise, kindly old tree is able to speak wisdom of thousands of years to the little fairies that come to shelter under his canopy of leaves or sit at his roots. Many fairies feel safe and happy when fluttering around this enchanted tree, and like anyone else, they absolutely love listening to his many stories. Meet them all at the Fairy Garden.

6. The Boat to Fairyland

Out in Europe, where forests and homes are built on canals flowing from the melted ice of the Alps, fairies often travel to hidden kingdoms by boat. They could just as easily fly there, of course, but there is something special and extra magical about riding a carefully crafted fairy boat, festooned with flowers, and rowed by a strong fairy oarsman. The oarsman is one of the few who knows the secret channels and caves in the water that leads to the grand fairyland. Meet them at the Fairy Garden.

7. Solar the Red Dragon

There are many different types of dragons, and they can come from just about anywhere. But Western dragons are special for being quite friendly towards fairies. They work together with fairies to tend to the wood, the forests, the mountains and the seas, often since hatching. This little red dragon, for example, will grow up to be one of these fairy dragons. He’s extremely curious about the world, learning about the different magical things in the forest. He says hello to this butterfly, wondering about its magic too. Meet him at the Fairy Garden.

8. The Eastern Fairy Koi Pond

Finally, we end our journey back in the East. A pretty koi pond like this one gives fairies a place to gather and meet, enjoying each other’s company and to stay cool from the summer heat. Apart from that, ponds and pools can be quite magical. Fairies in the east are fond of using pools to peer into the waters and seek out knowledge of worlds elsewhere. They use it to observe on goings in other places, or see what other fairies re up to. Ponds can be quite a magical addition to a fairy garden! See this one at the Fairy Garden.

Don’t forget: The Fairy Garden is now an Amazon Influencer! And as today is the much awaited Prime Day, take this chance to head over to the Fairy Garden Amazon Store and see what magical things you can find for your garden. You might even a find a few of the things listed right here! Take the chance to bring home some fairy magic.

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