Enchanted Eight: Champagne Magic

The New Year is almost here and throughout Fairy Land and around the world, everyone is preparing to say goodbye to 2019 and welcome 2020 into their lives. Most of the fairies will be attending a special New Year’s Eve Ball at King Henry and Queen Olivia’s palace where they will make wishes and ring in the new year together. In this week’s Enchanted Eight segment, we’d like to introduce you to the magic of champagne. You’ll see that it is a lot more than just being a fancy drink.

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Champagne is bubbly and the fairies cannot help but laugh and giggle when they drink it. The magic in that alone is priceless. Fairies enjoy this drink for extra special occasions like New Year’s, Valentine’s Day and Independence Day. You can find a fairy sized set of four champagne glasses on Amazon, if you’d like to be able to offer the fairies in your garden a special drink.

Enjoy a Glass With Friends

The great thing about a bottle of champagne is that it was made to be enjoyed by many people or in Fairy Land, fairies. It is rare that a fairy or human pulls out a bottle of champagne, just to have it alone. Being together with friends is one of the magical qualities that champagne has. You can find a miniature champagne crate and goblet on Amazon.

Champagne is Pretty

Champagne is a pretty drink, to the way it sparkles in your glass, to the way that the bottles look in a rack if you own one. Wine and champagne bottles are frequently the same size and shape because champagne is sparkling wine, and their racks can therefore be interchangeable. When you don’t need to pull out a bottle to enjoy with friends, it can add to the décor of your home. We found a quaint looking metal rack on Amazon.

Cookies and Champagne

We all know that fairies are extremely delighted by their sweets. You can imagine how thrilled they were to find out about a recipe called champagne cookies. The fairy chefs at the palace just got word too and are in the process of testing out a batch of these for the New Year’s Ball.  And, because making these cookies requires far less than a bottle, you’ll be glad to know that the fairies found some miniature champagne bottles for their recipe on Amazon. The cookies will be decorated in a magical way for the ball and everyone is looking forward to having a taste.

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Champagne is Classy

Champagne is often associated with classy events and celebrations. The fairies love the word classy because it sounds fancy and fun. Its actual definition is associated with elegance and sophistication. The fairies’ lives are surrounded by elegance, much of which they create themselves.  A flutter of their wings or a flick of their wands and anything can happen, including a bottle of champagne appearing out of nowhere. You can find a miniature scene on Amazon.

Champagne is Decorative

The champagne goblets and champagne bucket filled with ice are able to assist in decorating the ball room for New Year’s Eve. If you’re having a party at home, they can also be part of your buffet or dining table décor. Everyone will be impressed to see that you’re serving champagne in such a festive looking way. You can find a replica of the scene on Amazon for your fairy garden party.

Champagne Builds Excitement

Due to the pressure in the champagne bottle, when it is opened, everyone waits anxiously to hear the popping sound as the cork is removed and to see if the person or fairy in our case, is able to remove the cork without sending it soaring into midair. Did you know that at some ceremonies, the champagne bottle is even opened with a sword? This won’t be happening at King Henry and Queen Olivia’s New Year’s Eve Ball, but we still found it very interesting. You can find a champagne bottle rack and four glasses for your fairy friends at Amazon.

Champagne Flavors

Fairies love variety especially when it comes to their food and beverages. Champagne comes in a number of different flavors, many of them tasting of sweet fruits which the fairies really like. Apple, citrus and strawberry are a few of the fairies’ top picks. It is said that there might even be a brand-new flavor unveiled during the Fairy New Year’s Eve Ball. You can own a cute miniature set of champagne and glasses from Amazon, to commemorate the New Year and to celebrate with your fairies.

Please grab a glass of champagne or whatever else you’re drinking this New Year’s Eve and join us in toasting the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. From our home in Fairy Land, to your home, we wish you health, happiness, peace and magic for the upcoming year. And, please don’t leave just yet, we’d like you to stick around Fairy Land and continue learning what’s new in Teelie’s Fairy Garden. We also have a New Year’s poem to give away. You can find it here.

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