Celebrate Easter Under the Sea

Celebrating Easter Under the Sea

Hello friends, thank you for coming to visit us in Fairy Land today. We’re so glad that it’s possible from your home. The fairies want you to stay home and spend time with them. Today they’re going to tell you how Easter is celebrated under the sea. Afterwards, we invite you to continue browsing through Teelie’s Fairy Garden.

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Mermaids Celebrate Easter

Mermaids love celebrating Easter.  They have the ability to do everything that we out of the water fairies do in the safety of their underwater coves. The fairy merchants located a cute mermaid relaxing with her friend the sea turtle. Visit Amazon to see this figurine.

Celebrate the Arrival of the Easter Bunny

The Easter bunny also delivers treats to the sea thanks to some Easter bunny and fairy magic. The fairies would like to be able to tell you more about this, but it is extremely top secret and even all the fairies don’t know the details. Fairy Headquarters keeps these details under lock and key. The  fairy merchants found an adorable scene of Easter bunnies on a  train. It is available on Amazon.

Easter Decorations

The mermaids and other underwater fairies love to decorate for Easter. They are able to use the same types of decorations as humans and out of the water fairies. Fairy dust is used to protect these decorations underwater so that  they don’t disintegrate or become waterlogged. The fairies wanted to show you an Easter wreath which is popular throughout the fairy community. You can find it on Amazon.

Raise a Glass with the Mermen

There are plenty of mermen under the sea and they’ll be joining  the mermaids and underwater fairies to raise a glass to celebrate this Easter season. Looking for a merman ornament for your underwater fairy garden? Shop Amazon.

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Watching the New Life of Spring

One of the favorite things which the mermaids, mermen and underwater fairies like to do is watch for new signs of spring. They especially love it when new water animals are born like these adorable ducklings who can be seen swimming with their mother. The mermaids and their friends occasionally leave the sea for fresh water to be able to enjoy these wonders. You can find a miniature figure of this pond for your fairy garden on Etsy.

Underwater Easter Egg Hunt

You may have heard that there was a wonderful Easter egg hunt at King Henry and Queen Olivia’s palace. Underwater Easter egg hunts are also something that are enjoyed by sea fairies and mermaids and mermen during this special season. Replicas of Easter egg hunting materials for your dollhouse or fairy garden can be found on Etsy.

Enjoying Easter Treats

Underwater fairies and their friends also love to have Easter treats. Most of them are baked in fairy kitchens on land and sent underwater using some magical delivery methods. Find a replica on Etsy.

Easter Parties

Easter parties also happen underwater. Sometimes fish and turtles join the mermaids, mermen and sea fairies. They eat, drink and take time to be thankful for each others’ company. Find a magical Easter scene on Etsy that celebrates the joys of decorating Easter eggs.

Thank you for joining us to learn about the magical ways that Easter is celebrated underwater. We hope that you will have an enjoyable Easter despite the changes which will be necessary to ensure your safety. Continue to visit Teelie’s Fairy Garden to learn about all things fairy.

The fairies also have great news for you. They have some great prizes that you have a chance to win. There are Eliza the Easter Fairy books , keychains and an adorable pink bunny wearing one of t-shirts from my collection of merchandise along with a book .

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