Bread Bounties: Fairy Bread and Pastries that Fairies Love!

As it turns out, fairies love sweet snacks, and among those snacks, they love fairy bread and pastries the most! Sweet breads and sugary bites are one of the best ways to attract and invite fairies into a garden. There are all sorts of delicious sweets and treats that a fairy could enjoy in a fairy garden. Fairy breads and pastries come in all shapes and sizes, just as with people! Set out some delectable delights for fairies to enjoy and watch them peer out of their hiding spots, curious and hungry for a bite. Soon, there’ll be quite a crowd, happily dining away at delicious crumbs and sprinkles.

Leave these fairy breads down and wait!

FG March 8 2019 1-51. Sugar and Seeds

This wonderful variety of fairy breads isn’t just pretty and so carefully made by fairy bakers. Some of them are sprinkled with powdered sugar. Other are dotted with currants. Some have poppy seeds and aniseed all over them. Each one is a surprise and a welcome treat for a fairy looking to enjoy some of nature’s bounties. Get them at Etsy.

2. Creamy Cones

These beautiful horn-shaped fairy breads are stuffed with thick sweet cream or rich chocolate. They’ll surely be an amazingly tempting treat that no fairy can resist! They look like tiny, tantalizing fairy trumpets. Each bite will cause a deluge of cream or chocolate. It may be a little messy, but certainly a whole lot of fun to eat. Get them at Etsy.

3. Sprinkles and Sweets

Out of all the different types of bread, these fairy breads are among the ones that fairies absolutely can’t resist: They’re covered in sweet rainbow sprinkles. They’re such a treat that even humans make their own variation of them! These freshly baked little breads, stuffed with sweet icing and heaped with colorful sprinkles, are the most perfect definition of magical bread. Get them at Etsy.

4. Butter, Bread, and Jam

In many stories of fairy encounters, or meeting small magical beings like fairies, the stories tell of a unique test: they will ask a human if they could be given some bread with something sweet, like jam or honey. It allows them to find someone with a welcoming, generous heart. Show them a welcome by leaving out some bread and jam for them, like in this breakfast spread at Etsy.

5. Sweet Strawberry Breads

Fairies, especially ones who live in the forests, thoroughly enjoy the fruits of nature. So fairy breads like these strawberry breads, are very tempting pastries for them! Each cup of crisp, flaky pastry has sweet cream and a big red strawberry. The strawberries would be so delicious that perhaps a cheeky little fairy would eat them right off the bread. Get the treats at Etsy.

FG March 8 2019 6-106. Mushroom Custard

Maybe something a little more familiar will draw a passing fairy’s attention. These flaky fairy pastries are filled with yellow custard and topped with shells of cream shaped like mushrooms. They would look like the most fascinating little pastries! Instead of having the earthy flavor of real mushrooms, these tiny fairy caps are a treat for a sweet tooth. Get them at Etsy.

7. Delightful Doughnuts

When it comes to thinking of sugary sweet bread, doughnuts would definitely be the first in mind. These fairy breads are every bit as delicious as a humans, and probably even tastier with that hint of magic on them. A box will have six delectable, fragrant doughnuts, always fresh out of the oven. Perhaps a fairy might like to enjoy these with some tea or coffee. Get them at Etsy.

8. Marvelous Millefeuille

These are the desserts for fairies with a discerning palate. Fairy bakers would be hard at work to create such perfect heart-shaped buttery shortbreads. These millefeuille are the cream of the crop in fairy breads. They have carefully iced, stacked layers and a very artful icing decoration on top. It’s enough to make a fairy fall in love. Get them at Etsy.

9. The Spectacular St. Honore Centerpiece

This centerpiece pastry won’t just lure a fairy to a garden: it would probably come with an invitation to a grand celebration, like a fairy ball! This beautiful triple-tiered St. Honore is just loaded with cream puffs oozing with custard, glazed with sugar syrup, and dotted with whipped cream. It’s a grand and tantalizing fairy bread to offer! Get it a Etsy.

10. Sweet Southern Blueberry Pie

Fairies who may be coming in front the South will certainly appreciate this sweet, homemade pie! Fairy breads and pastries like these, loaded with woodland berries, delicious and warm, will remind them of home. Maybe it will even convince them to make the garden their new home as well! Get the deep blueberry pie at Etsy.

Try all sorts of sweet fairy breads and pastries, fresh for evermore because of fairy magic, and see what new friends they’ll bring! Fairies from all over will come to enjoy the piece of bread, and might just want to settle in for a longer stay.

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What a Hoot! A Rose Fairy Cake Valentine Set

Cupcakes, Cream, and Coffee: Sweet Fairy Cupcakes for Two

Cakes, Bakes, and Pastries Galore for the Sweetest Valentines Additions to Your Garden

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