Best Summer Fairy Garden Plants

Summer is the next best time for flowers to bloom, with its perfectly sunny, hot weather that lights up any fairy garden. But what exactly are the best summer fairy garden plants this season? Let’s explore the many blooms and plants that are great for the hot, sunny season and how you can keep them thriving in such weather. Fairy gardens are even more alive during summer. Your fairy friends will enjoy tending to your garden and its blooms, especially when the sun is high in the sky.


Fairy Garden Plants for the Summer Season

We’ve curated a list of summer blooms and plants that are best planted before or during the summer season. These plants will show off gorgeous blooms and lush greens throughout the season. Your backyard will be its most vibrant with these best summer fairy garden plants.

Best Summer Fairy Garden Plants

  1. Sunflower

Unsurprisingly, the sunniest flower of them all is best planted after the cold spring air has gone or during summer. Sunflowers thrive better in warmer weathers and blooms in summer. It’s also one of the easiest flowers to grow. It’s sunny disposition is great for the season and will bring forth a lot of joy to your fairy garden. You can get a live sunflower plant at Amazon for $29.99.

  1. Marigold

Another plant that reflects the golden radiance of the sun is the marigold, which comes in warm yellow and orange tones. It adds a lot of cheer to an otherwise simple fairy garden. Its rounded blooms serve as soft beds for fairies who like to take naps on its petals. It’s also fairy easy to grow, as it only needs lots of sunshine and minor maintenance. Marigold seeds are available at Amazon for $4.55.

  1. Aster

When you think about aster, you’d think bright purple or violet blooms. But aster also comes in bright pink and white flowers, which is perfect for adding color to your fairy garden during summer. It thrives all throughout the season and will bring your fairy garden well into the fall, as long as you keep it maintained. Fairies will love basking under its white and pink blooms, which often signifies femininity. Seeds are available at Amazon for $3.65.

  1. Zinnia

Zinnias are heat tolerant and thrive in hot weather, which is why it is perfect for summer. It offers very vibrant colors and comes in red and orange tones. Fairy gardens will never be the same once a zinnia is planted, because it offers loads of passion and happiness. Seeds can be purchased at amazon for $7.25.

  1. Sedum

Summer isn’t for flowers only. In fact, one type of succulent also thrives well during summer because it is drought-resistant. This succulent is the sedum, which produces buds of white and pink colors. Specifically, the Sedum Hispanicum or Spanish Stonecrop produces foliage that’s colored blue and green and pinkish white blooms during the late summer. Seeds are available at Amazon for $9.99.

Best Summer Fairy Garden Plants

  1. Peppers

Fairy gardens are never limited to just blooms. In fact, fairies love to tend to vegetables too. One easy to grow summer vegetable is the pepper, which loves the sun and rich soil. To grow them perfectly, make sure they are properly watered and get enough sun. Of course, fairy magic will give them that extra zest for when you pick them out for a dish. Pepper plants are available on Amazon for $19.99.

  1. Sorrel

This plant is useful not just in your garden, but in your kitchen as well. The French variety of the sorrel has red veins, offering an eye-catching addition to your fairy garden. As for the kitchen, sorrels are useful for salads and soups, as it adds a different kind of tangy flavor to such dishes. You can get a sorrel plant on Amazon for $4.99.

  1. Mizuna

Another garden-to-plate summer favorite is the mizuna, which thrives during summer, as long as you water them well. This plant must be sowed every three to five weeks and is also best paired with the sorrel in salads. Seeds of the organic kind are available at Amazon for $6.95.

  1. Amaranth

To add a gorgeous burgundy tone to your fairy garden, take the amaranth and grow it during summer. It’s so versatile, as it can be eaten at any stage in its growth. It offers beautiful color to your garden and a delightful taste to your summer salad. Fairies will love dancing under the gorgeous red-purple leaves of the amaranth during summer nights. Organic seeds are available at Amazon for $6.97.

  1. Watermelon

No summer is complete without the watermelon. The melon family thrives well in the hot weather and provides much-needed sweet refreshment on summer days. Just make sure that these plants have enough room to grow. After all, the fruits often turn out to be large in size once full grown (especially with the help of your fairy friends). Seeds are available at Amazon for $7.00.


Whether it’s for your backyard or for your plate, these best summer fairy garden plants are truly a joy to grow. Fairies love to add some magic into every plant that grows in your magical garden. That’s why you’re sure to get the best blooms and the healthiest vegetables this summer. To know more about other flowers that go well with fairy gardens, follow the link below.

10 Flowering Herbs Your Fairies Will Surely Love - Teelie's Fairy Garden

10 Flowering Herbs Your Fairies Will Surely Love


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