Beach Picnic Fairy Garden

Every year during summer, the enchanted folks pack their picnic bags, load up their bus, and travel to the beach to enjoy!

They enjoy the sunshine and the relaxing sea breeze. Creating sand castles and enjoying cold lemonade. They spend time collecting sea shells and watch as crabs and starfish slowly crawl onto the shore.

Create a beautiful tropical get away for the enchanted folks! We’ve gathered inspiration for you to start with.

Beach Picnic Fairy Garden 1



This beach picnic fairy garden is made with a beach bus, gnomes, mermaid, fairy sign, a bucket of beer, star fish, crab, lobster, and life ring.


Beach Bus – a beautiful beach bus that the enchanted folks could use as they drive to the beach!

Beach Gnomes – These adorable beach gnomes are enjoying the beach as they take a day off from the fairy fields.

Bucket of Beers – The gnomes would love this bucket of beer as they enjoy the sunshine.

Beach Picnic Fairy Garden 2



This beach picnic fairy garden is made with an umbrella, beach chairs, beach ball, Lifesaver’s seat, sand castles, pale, lemonade stand, and fence.


Beach Chairs and Umbrella – the fairies would love to lounge on these cozy beach chairs with umbrellas.

Lemonade Stand – the fairies would love to enjoy a cup of cold lemonade as they lounge by the shore.

Sandcastle Sculptures – the fairies love creating sandcastles as they enjoy a day at the beach.

Beach Picnic Fairy Garden 3



This beach picnic fairy garden is made with a beach bus, palm tree, hanging slippers, bistro, slippers, shell, crab, and starfish.


Outdoor Bistro Set – the enchanted folks would enjoy the beach more with this lovely outdoor bistro set!

Mini Palm Tree – a beach themed fairy garden would not be complete without this lovely mini palm tree.

Beach Bus – this beach bus will take the fairies to the beach where they can enjoy a day off from their fairy chores.


Click image below to see our Top 10 Beach Fairy Items:

Top 10 Beach Items

Click the image below to see more beach items:

Seaside Catergory

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