Artistic Arbors for a Fairy Garden About to Bloom

Springtime is just around the corner, and fairies everywhere are preparing gardens, trellises, and arbors for the forthcoming bloom of flowers. Spring is always one of the most welcome seasons, as everything comes back to life and color after a long cold winter. Fairy arbors and trellises are always so lovely in this regard, as they are loaded with flowers and fit perfectly with the image of a new season bursting to bloom. Just picture it: fairies peeping out of the trees and bushes just like the sprouts during springtime, coming to play among the beautiful arbors in the garden.

Have a look at some of the loveliest archways and arbors to find in a fairy garden:

FG Feb 28 2019 1-51. The Vine Arbor

Made of beautiful light twigs, this arbor is covered in green vines. Those vines will shine under the dappled sunshine like growing emeralds during the springtime sunny days. Its got its own trellises on the side, which allows vines to grow higher around it. Maybe the living vines in the garden would climb up too! Get it at Amazon.

2. Welcoming Fairy Garden Gate Arbor

This archway is one of the most perfect arbors for permitting entry into a fairy garden. It has a tiny white gate, which is surrounded by the arch covered in ivy vines. It’s a subtle entryway to a garden in full bloom, and is perfect especially for a garden that loves countryside inspirations like white picket fences. Get it at the Fairy Garden.

3. The Swirling Arbor and Swing

Fairy arbors with swings are quite popular among the fair folk as they can sit and play and chat quite happily beneath the arbor. This swing has an arch that is decorated by intricate swirling decorations akin to fairy magic. Like the vine arbors, there’s plenty of room for living vines to twine around it and make it even more beautiful. Get it at the Fairy Garden.

4. The English Rose Arbor

There’s nothing quite as beautiful as floods of roses blooming, especially in the springtime. With their vines and blooms reaching up, arbors like this one can become full of them. It turns the structure into an elaborate archway of roses for fairies, with the festoons of blossoms creating a romantic sight. Get it at the Fairy Garden.

5. The Red Arbor

If your garden is more Asian-inspired, this beautiful fairy arbor is just the thing to entire magical fairies to come play. Its rich red color is celebratory and bright, like a red flower in the middle of a meadow. Its little golden swing will be strong enough to hold a fairy and her friends giggling at the approach of spring, or even just resting under the sunny day. Get it at the Fairy Garden.

FG Feb 28 2019 6-106. The Arbor of the Tides

Even mermaids have their own magical arbors! Perhaps they have given this beautiful arbor to the fairies as a gift, made of beach rock and covered in corals and lacy seaweed. Still, if there’s a spot for mermaids in your garden, why not set it down near them and watch them swim around it, dashing through and blowing bubbles? Get this unique arbor at Etsy.

7. The Archway of Romance

Few arbors are as romantic looking as this archway, drawing fairy lovers everywhere. It’s just the most perfect little archway for a sweet kiss under its twined boughs. Made of strong, warm wood, and covered in pink roses at full bloom, it looks almost like a wedding archway. It will be such a pretty sight to see in a fairy garden when in full bloom. Get it at Etsy.

8. The Purple Blossoming Arbor

Unique among fairy arbors, this archway features an abundance of the most striking purple blossoms. From fine purple mosses to large-petaled violet blooms, it’s the most brightly-colored arbor you’ll find in any fairy garden. It even has a pearly purple flower swing, which draws the eye. It’s would entice the heart of a fairy princess to come to sit in it! Get it at Etsy.

9. The Blue Vineyard Arbor

With its wealth of ivy and its quaint wooden bench, this beautiful arbor is fit for royalty. Unlike other arbors covered in ivy, it is made of delicate, lacy blue metalwork. It’s ornately crafted, with many swirling features and even has a little roof as shelter from rain. In itself, it’s a glorious blue bower that a fairy would love to sit under. Get it at Etsy.

10. The Bower of Trees

Finally there is this stunning arbor, made of rows of tiny, sturdy trees. It’s like a tree tunnel towards a magical world. Set apart from other arbors, it’s a natural looking archway, as the tree’s branch reach across to each other to twine and create a perfectly woodsy look. Wouldn’t it be just the perfect archway to welcome new fairies into springtime in a fairy garden? Get it at Etsy.

Place these lovely arbors and archways within a fairy garden. Help them welcome in all the grand splendor of springtime. The flowers and plants around the archways will blossom and grow, making them such scenic spots for fairies to play around in.

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