When we were younger, our parents and grandparents would often tell us bedtime stories in the form of fairy tales. These stories held valuable lessons told through stories about majestic faraway lands, brave princes, and strong princesses. Today, we hold those stories dear by creating fairy gardens in honor of those magical moments in our lives. But accessories and miniatures aren’t the only thing that truly make a garden special. Fairy garden plants also contribute to the magnificence of your personal garden. Today on Teelie’s Fairy Garden blog, let’s explore the many fairy garden plants you can get for $20 and below.

One of the best parts about the super dwarf butterfly plant is that it’s very easy to grow. It’s a hardy plant that stays small enough for your fairy garden, but will thrive if cared for properly, providing shade for your fairy garden friends. Just look at those lush green leaves!
These amazingly tiny ivy leaves are a miniature of real ivy. They’re small enough for fairies and pixies’ little hands! It’s easy to grow and marvelous to look at. Like a true ivy, it will creep on fairy garden fences and other structures. Best grown with bright, indirect light and ample water. Trim as you like!
You can add texture to your fairy garden by planting some cactus. The Acanthocereus Tetragonus Fairy Castles Plant is a dwarf cactus that will fit perfectly in anny fairy garden. It grows into sausage-like bundles with tiny spikes on the spines along the length of the cactus. It also provides a gorgeous deep green color to any fairy garden.
The Euphorbia Tirucalli Firesticks Plant will add an interesting layer to your fairy garden with its unique shape and color. The plant grows green at first and turns a delicate pink shade towards the end of its stalks. Your fairy friends will love running around these stalks and hiding from their pixie friends!
Fall is now upon us, which means that Christmas is just around the corner. What better way to honor the season than to add some Red Christmas Cactus to your fairy garden? To properly care for this type of cactus, make sure it gets some morning sun. Afternoon sun tends to be too harsh for the plant. It also blooms during winter, so it’s a perfect addition to a fairy garden this time of the year.

Pilea Depressa is more commonly known as Baby Tears, which are interestingly little fairy garden plants that provide a layer of texture to any garden. It is a hugging groundcover which will grow alongside the side of the pot, if left to grow freely. It thrives best in moist soil and mostly humid conditions. Your fairy friends will truly enjoy running through this lush groundcover.
Recreate a magical woodland fairy forest with the Wintergreen Teaberry Plant that actually produces berries in the Fall. These are evergreen plants with shiny, deep green leaves and dainty bell-shaped white flowers that bloom during summer. This perennial will provide shade for your fairy garden friends and color to your garden.
This fairy garden plant creates a grassy appearance on the ground. It’s very inviting for fairies, who will enjoy running through its grass-like leaves. Even better, this fairy garden plant offers tiny white flowers that are charming and adorable to look at. Make sure it’s planted on well-drained soil for optimal growth.
Though this little plant is not truly a vine, it does provide gorgeous foliage with long, oval leaves that is about an inch long. Its leaves have a deep velvet green color and a silvery white stripe down the middle. Underneath every leaf is a beautiful shade of purple. It also offers long, tube-like lilac flowers. It will definitely be the star of your fairy garden with its interesting characteristics.
Meet the mini cherry blossom tree, an evergreen shrub that produces oval, deep green leaves. It has a rough, grey trunk that fairies may enjoy climbing. At the top, they will be greeted by funnel-shaped white flowers that bloom best during Spring to Fall.
Explore the magical world of fairy garden plants and adopt them as you please! Be creative and add various colors and textures to your own fairy garden. For more awesome ideas, check out the link below.

DIY Fairy Garden with Succulents
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