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I am honored that you are considering an advertising partnership with Tommy Tinker Store. My Team has officially published over 4,000 articles across our seven websites including here and elsewhere and have partnered with over 150 brands!
Audience Demographics:
As of 2019, the breakdown by age looks like this: Baby Boomers: Baby boomers were born between 1944 and 1964. They’re current between 55-75 years old (76 million in U.S.) Gen X: Gen X was born between 1965 – 1979 and are currently between 40-54 years old (82 million people in U.S.)
I have several advertising options available including but not limited to:
Do you have a blog or product that needs promotion? Then look no further, here at Tommy Tinker Store we not only promote your website, blog or products but help you get notice in all social media platforms.
* Your link, logo and banner will be displayed on one of our websites.
* We will review your banner to see if it is a good fit with the website you are advertising on and if needed our graphic designer would be able to match our brand look and feel-but we highly encourage you to have a professional banner created.
* If your banner is professional and needs no modification it will be up in 1 week. If it needs modification it will take 3 weeks in order to get the graphics completed and your approval.
* Regularly, we will share and promote your links on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest a total of 20 times in the 3/month period. (SML-Social Media Loop).
* We love giveaways! For one-month we would promote your giveaway by linking them to your giveaway offer on our (SML-Social Media Loop) Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest
* I would personally do an FB Live promoting the giveaway and by showing your website and giving a review of your website/blog.
* We also belong to several FB groups and would share your giveaway with them along with your link to your giveaway.
* Your link would be on all our SML (Social Media Loop) posts.
* For one-month promotion it is $100.00
* If your product is relevant and useful for our audience, we would love to do a product review and related blog post.
* We must either have received the product or the specifications, a good description of the product with product links.
* After receiving the product or specifications and the description it will take two weeks for it to appear on our site and I will send you the link and review.
* Product Reviews and a corresponding blog post $100.00 for both with links to your site.
Please contact me directly so I determine if your company and products are a good fit with our brands looking forward to meeting you:
We have seven websites and our brands cover a variety of interest that might be of interest and a good fit for you and your company!
For more information, contact us:
When we have agreed on our partnership you may make your payment on this page for the size banner or promotion you would like!
Looking forward to a very prosperous and successful partnership!
Lynn Randall
Teelie’s Fairy Garden began with a love for all things fairy garden. The enchantment that a fairy garden brings to one’s life is incomparable.
As fairy garden draws out fairies from their natural hiding places, it also attracts them to our lives, which they bless with love and magic throughout their stay in our fairy gardens. These fairy gardens become a second home for our fairy friends, who grace us with their magical presence.
© Copyright 2024 – Teelie’s Fairy Garden
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