A Colorful Easter Fairy Brunch for Two

This glorious Easter fairy brunch for two in the fairy garden is sure to satisfy any fairy with a big sweet tooth. The table is simple covered with delicious sweets and treats that will power two fairies to a day of excitement over the Easter celebrations. From a high tower of sweets to elegant little cups and dishes for a delicious cup of tea, there’s so much to love and enjoy in this lovely, rare Easter set. There’s even the company of a surprise guest, who probably wants to have a nibble or two of their own of the delicious delights. It’s sure to bring joy to any fairy garden for this Easter.

FG Apr 15 2019 1-41. Beautiful Blue Cups and Saucers

The fairy brunch is set with two cups and two saucers, made of fine fairy china and painted a brilliant sapphire blue. They can hold some delicious tea that will go perfectly with the treats. But since it’s brunch, perhaps some fairies might prefer a strong coffee brew instead as a big pick-me-up. They have to be alert—an Easter egg hunt is on the agenda! See them with the set at Etsy.

2. Pretty Brunch Placemats

There will be quite a lot of snacking and chowing down going on in this Easter fairy brunch. This is why the scene has been laid with two beautiful Easter placemats. One is polka dots of white and pink, while the other is a white and bright pink in a pattern of petals and leaves. They should do well to keep the crumbs away! Get them with the set at Etsy.

3. Easter Eggs

There’s no Easter fairy brunch without some beautiful pastel fairy Easter eggs! Three beautiful Easter eggs have been found scattered on the table. Made of delicious candy and probably filled with sweet surprises inside, these are some Easter eggs that the fairies won’t have to hunt for. They’ll skip directly to enjoying them! See them with the set at Etsy.

4. The Tower of Pastries

This is the true centerpiece of this Easter fairy brunch. A tall, three-tiered pastry stand filled to the brim with some incredible delights is waiting for the fairies. There are some freshly baked, golden Easter cookies, decorated with mini candy eggs. Also on the tower are gorgeous French macarons, with their shells perfectly crisp, with a luxurious crème filling sandwiched between. There are lovely cupcakes of pink cherry and cream as well as ones topped with meringue. Whatever a fairy’s sweet tooth desires can be satisfied by such wonders! See them with the set at Etsy.

fg apr 15 5-65. The Curious White Bunny

A surprise guest of this Easter fairy brunch is this little white Easter bunny. He is the one responsible for bringing the lovely pastel eggs onto the table. Perhaps he’s also seeking a bite or two of delicious sweet Easter pastries. With so much of them piled high onto the tower, surely he can be spared a cookie or two to enjoy? See him with the set at Etsy.

6. The Swirly Cherry Cakes

As if all those pastries were not enough for this Easter fairy brunch, the fairy pair dining on it also get a a thick slice of cherry jelly roll cakes as well. A whole log of it had been carefully prepared by the best bakers of the kingdom. They have been made with delicious sweet cream and sweet cherry jelly, topped with a bright red cherry. Dig in! See them with the set at Etsy.

All of these wondrous things can be found in a whole set of in Etsy. But perhaps you’re inviting more than one fairy to this Easter brunch. By all means, bring in some more cakes and sweet treats for them! Look at a few more:

fg apr 15 7-107. The Easter Bunny Cake

This beautiful cake is the perfect addition to any Easter fairy brunch. At first glance, it seems like another delicious pink cake from the fairy bakers. It’s heaped with rose pink icing and topped with the most delicate pink roses. But when a slice is cut out, a surprise is revealed inside: A chocolate Easter bunny appears on each slice! See it at Etsy.

8. Frosted Easter Cookies

Easter cookies are so delicious that a fairy could probably eat a dozen in a twinkling of an eye. So bring in a whole patisserie’s worth of them for everyone to share! This assortment of Easter cookies is covered in royal icing in various colors. They come in all sorts of adorable shapes, from carrots and bunnies to chicks and flowers! See them all at Etsy.

9. The Easter Egg Tree

There’s already a beautiful silver tower of delicious delights on the table. So why not add a whole tree of Easter eggs to join it in the center of a big Easter fairy brunch? This lovely tree has been festooned with daisies and pastel Easter eggs of every color. Fairies would just love to pluck all the delicious little eggs from every branch as they eat! See it at Etsy.

10. Easter Bakery Bounties

Finally, an Easter fairy brunch to feed a crowd might need a whole bakery’s worth of baked goods. Iced buns, freshly baked Easter egg danishes, and even a whole golden brown Bundt cake, heaped with white sugar icing, are on the table to be devoured. With all these delicious goodies, there will be enough for every sweet tooth in the garden. See it at Etsy.

An Easter fairy brunch is served, hot, sweet, and delicious. It’s just the thing to get fairies ready for an exciting day of Easter egg hunts in the garden!

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