This week’s adventure through Teelie’s Fairy Garden will have us looking at all things fairy which have berries on them. It is going to be a fun and yummy journey.
This amazing little fairy house looks like a juicy strawberry. There are also three fairies doing different activities outside the house.
This fun sticker has strawberries around the door to give it some incredible magic. Your fairies would certainly love this on their house.
This gnome holding a welcome sign is wearing a strawberry hat. It would be a perfect resident of your strawberry cottage and would be happy to greet visitors at a jam or jelly shop, or strawberry field.
This fun-loving unicorn has a cherry on its flank and is red like cherries. It has a sweet personality and would love it if it could make its home with you.
These hedgehog siblings are having a great time hiding under a leaf munching on raspberries from a patch they found in the forest.
Some of the flower fairies in this amazing garden selection have been picking berries. Some of them are also berry fairies as they are wearing clothing that resembles a strawberry.
This dragon is known as Blueberry Indigo. He often helps out his fairy companion in the blueberry patch near its home. There is even a rumor that it turned blue from eating so many berries.
This is the Very Berry Raspberry dragon. It has a green thumb and a thick skin which makes it good for helping out around the prickly raspberry vines. They produce amazing fruit but have thorns on them.
Be sure to visit Teelie’s Fairy Garden again next week. This time, Pookie the Pillow Fairy cannot wait to show you eight incredible throw pillows with designs that she loves.

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