Celebrate The Amazing Talk Like A Pirate Day With Us

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Talk Like a Pirate Day is on September 19th and that means that the Pirate Fairies want in on the fun. They are ready to share some magical pirate things with you that can help make your day even more magical.     

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Consider creating your own magical ornament tree with stunning ornaments that feature scenes from the Pirate Pete series of books that Teelie Turner wrote.

Pirate Pete has a wonderful assortment of clothing and accessories that can help bring some of the magic to Talk like a pirate day into your home. And, if you don’t have your t-shirt by September 19th or can’t do it that day, you can turn any day into a pirate themed adventure.

This fun camping mug would be a great one to enjoy a beverage from on Talk like a pirate day. Pirate Pete loves having this one aboard his ship throughout the year.

This stunning pillowcase from The Adventures of Pirate Pete – The Mermaid Wedding has a magical scene on it that would be incredible to brighten your décor to celebrate Talk like a Pirate Day or to have a pirate / mermaid theme throughout the year.

Ebooks are amazing because you can enjoy them instantly after you download them. Teelie Turner’s Pirate Pete series is available in eBook format. That means you can read one, two or three amazing books about Pirate Pete’s adventures during your Talk like a pirate day celebration.

Enjoy the practicality of digital downloads with Teelie Turner’s exclusive party props. Purchase them, download them and your kids can get to the fun right away. They can cut out and enjoy this assortment that comes with 25 party props. Let the fun for talk like a pirate day begin.

Pirate Pete’s Instant Fairy Garden is absolutely magical. You’ll love how many miniature cutouts there are that can help you crate an artistic creation. Enjoy the opportunity to immediately purchase and download this fairy garden that can be used as an art project as well as a decoration for your bedroom, reading nook or other magical space.

You can also get miniature items to go inside your fairy gardens to add an additional level of depth to the design. We love this little pirate chest with jewels.

Autumn is almost here and that means that we’re ready to start looking at some fun miniature décor that you might want to include in your fairy garden for this fantastic season. 

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