7 Pristine White Fairy Garden Flowers

Creating a fairy garden often comes with a tough choice on which flowers to select and combine for an awesome visual masterpiece. While vibrant colors are often preferred, some may opt for the simpler elegance of white flowers. White blooms are often attributed to chastity, purity and innocence, or reverence and humility. It’s most likely the reason why white blooms are often used in a bride’s bouquet during wedding ceremonies. But white flowers aren’t strictly for weddings alone. In fact, gardens can be as gorgeous during spring and throughout the year, if you pick the right white blooms to adorn your fairy garden.


The Gentle, Classic Elegance of a White Flower

While there are lots of white blooms to choose from, curating them for a fairy garden is no easy feat. You have to take into consideration the which white flowers are best for different seasons and what type of soil they would thrive in. Here, we’ve listed down seven succulent white flowers for your fairy garden. Each of these boast of elegance, charm, and simplicity that will surely provide a gorgeous makeover to your fairy garden.


1. Calla

Who wouldn’t fall in love with the grace of a calla? These elegant blooms are native to cooler temperatures, such as those found in the Northern Hemisphere, central, eastern, and northern Europe and northern Asia and America. These gorgeous flowers grow up to three feet tall and feature long, deep green stems and thick leaves that give off the feel of a lush, burgeoning garden. Callas will best thrive in moist soil and lots of sun. Get Calla bulbs at Amazon for $17.95.

2. White Hyacinth

Dainty and delicate, white hyacinth flowers grow as bulbs on an elongated stem. These delicate flowers bloom best during spring, so it’s best to plant them in the fall. It can grow up to eight to 12 inches tall. Add this to your fairy garden to make it more “lovely,” something that the flower often symbolizes. Seeds available at Amazon for $2.28.

3. White Pim

The African daisy or white pim is a vibrant plant with showy flowers. While its petals are mostly white, its center is a deep purple that’s just gorgeous to look at. It best blooms in early summer and all throughout autumn. The prostrate evergreen subshrub must be grown in well drained soil and must get ample sunlight. Get seeds at Amazon for $5.51.

4. Annabelle Hydrangea

For fairy garden lovers who enjoy fuss-free gardening, you’re going to love the Annabelle Hydrangea. It’s easy to grow and produces gorgeous clusters of pristine flowers that’s great for placing in vases. The deciduous shrub is expected to grow between three to five feet tall as long as it is grown in well-drained soil and partial shade. Plants are available at Amazon for $23.95.

7 Pristine White Fairy Garden Flowers

5. Dahlia

Dahlias often come in different, vibrant colors. But the white variant features a gorgeous golden center that blooms into a pompom flower with lots of petals at the end of a lengthy stem among lush foliage. Dahlias are often associated with elegance, strength, and dignity. In the olden times, it also meant a long lasting commitment or union. Add them to your fairy garden for a regal effect. Get dahlia bulbs at Amazon for $13.99.

6. Daffodils

The Daffodil or Narcissus are often associated with new beginnings and rebirth because they often bloom in early spring. In Chinese culture, daffodils actually symbolize good fortune, while in France, it is a sign of ope. Easy to grow, daffodils should be planted in moist, free-draining soil. Make sure that bulbs are planted with its pointed side upwards, at least four inches deep in the soil. Daffodil bulbs available at Amazon for $13.00.

7. Lilac

Last but certainly not the least, we have the lilac, which white variants commonly symbolize purity and innocence. Its magenta variants symbolize love and passion, while its blue variants mean tranquility. As with other plants in this list, make sure to plant this in fertile, well-draining soil and make sure it gets at least six hours of sun for optimal growth and blooms. It’s also best to plant lilacs during the fall. Get seeds at Amazon for $9.99.


Whether you’re planning a fairy garden wedding or simply having a garden makeover, these gorgeous, pristine picks will surely bring joy and light to your property. Just make sure to research on how to care for each of these plants to get the best blooms.


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