7 Creative Container Ideas for Your Fairy Garden

Summer days have come upon us and what better time to get creative in the garden than these warm afternoons? One of the latest trends to come to the gardening scene is the creative use of containers as planters. We recently talked about how you can upcycle old materials from your home to create awesome planters and accessories for your fairy garden. Today, we’re taking a closer look at how you can add even more creativity to your garden. Here are seven creative container ideas for your fairy garden.


  1. Canvas shoe organizers

Has your shoe collection outgrown your shoe organizer? Don’t worry, as your canvas shoe organizers can have a second life in your garden. All you need to do is hang them up on a wall or a fence, and you have a container for some vertical pockets of sunshine! Stuff them with potting soil and plan different greens, such as succulents, vines, and the like. This will add a gorgeous green wall to your fairy garden. Canvas shoe organizers are available at Amazon for $27.00.

  1. A ladder turned vertical planter

An old rusty ladder can also have a second life in your garden. Don’t throw it out just yet, as it can serve as a gorgeous stand for several planters. All you need to do is add some slats of wood between the steps for your planters to rest upon. Paint it over in any color you want and slide in the planter boxes and pots for a great visual treat. You can also get this gorgeous Kate and Laurel pothos wood and metal leaner storage bin ladder for your garden for $176.78 on Amazon.

  1. Rustic metal beverage cooler tub

Old metal beverage cooler tubs can turn into a magnificent fairy garden that will give off a rustic feel. Such is the case for this one from Vintiquewise, available on Amazon for $70.93. All you need is some potting soil, plants, and fairy garden accessories and you can create a magical new world on this cooler tub that features a classic design with its curved stand.

  1. Paper mache letter planter

Fairies love creativity as much as they love magic. Add some creativity to your garden by using old paper mache letter planters. You can use old ones used as home decor. Just cut out one side, and line it with a plastic back before filling with potting soil. You can plant succulents or small blooms and watch it flourish. Paper mache letters are available on Amazon for $5.99.


  1. Birdbath planter

A garden birdbath can be repurposed into a delightful planter for your succulents and delicate fairy garden plants. If you’re feeling extra creative, you can repaint it and add a shabby chic finish. This birdbath is reminiscent of European cathedrals with its hand-sculpted architectural details. Get this on Amazon for $179.99.

  1. Wagon planter

If your child has outgrown his favorite wagon but can’t seem to let it go, give it another life in the garden! Assure your child that his wagon won’t go to waste by turning it into a chic little planter for your fairy garden. You can opt to repaint it with a shabby chic finish and you’re good to go. Take inspiration from this Amish wagon decorative garden planter, available at Amazon for $19.99.

  1. Living roof birdhouse

Living roofs are making more cities greener and you can now have your own living roof in your fairy garden! This quaint living roof birdhouse comes in a fun kit that includes sphagnum moss, chicken wire, waterproof liner, and a list of detailed instructions. Get this on Etsy for $50.00.


These creative container ideas for your fairy garden are just a few you can incorporate and get inspiration from. For more magical ideas, follow the teeliesfairygarden.com fairy blog.


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