10 Miniature Plants to Mimic Trees in Fairy Gardens

Spring is the perfect time to grow plants and flowers. Now is also the best time to make real fairy gardens. If it’s your first time to get into it, you might want to check out my list of miniature plants that can mimic trees in your fairy garden.

Here are miniature plants that will look great in your fairy garden – as trees!

1. Chamaecyparis Lawoniana

Also known as Port Orford cedar, Lawson cypress and Ellwood’s Pillar, the miniature plant version makes a good-looking evergreen tree in the fairy garden. The bonsai version is also sturdy and wide enough to carry a fairy door.


See it: 2 Year Plant of Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Ellwood’s Pillar


Get it: Lawson Cypress – Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 100 Seeds Bonsai Garden

2. Ficus Microcarpa

Miniature F. microcarpa trees are easy to grow indoors and are sized just right for miniature and fairy gardens. The smallest variety is Tiny Limey but other dwarf and bonsai ficus trees can also work, depending on the size of your miniature accessories.


See it: Tiny Limey Weeping Fig – Ficus

Get it: Green Island Ficus Bonsai Tree – Medium

3. Miniature Spruce Tree

Also known as John’s Dilly, these miniature trees are hardy enough to survive just about anywhere. they make the perfect Christmas tree in a miniature or fairy garden and are relatively slow-growing.


See it: Picea glauca, Jean’s Dilly Christmas Tree, Spruce for Miniature Garden, Fairy Garden

4. Dwarf Umbrella Tree

Dwarf umbrella tree varieites like this Hawaiian bonsai have miniature shiny green leaves that look like umbrellas. They produce orange-red to black berries and will make a great centerpiece in any fairy garden.


See more: Brussel’s Dwarf Hawaiian Umbrella Tree Bonsai

5. Asparagus Fern

The Foxtail fern variety looks very much like a miniature tree and will look perfect in any fairy garden!


Get it: Foxtail Fern – Asparagus meyeri / aethiopicus

6. Cole’s Prostrate

This slow-growing drawf hemlock naturally cascades over walls, rocks, etc. but occasional trimming reveals a hardy main bark and will make it look like a miniature tree right in your fairy garden.


See: Tsuga canadensis, Cole’s Prostrate, Hemlock

7. Moon Frost

A miniature plant with light green to whitish leaves, the moon frost makes a perfect shady miniature tree with a lovely bench and fairies underneath.

Get it: Tsuga canadensis, Moon Frost, Hemlock

8. Curry Leaf Tree

The curry leaf tree grows up to 6cm in height, making it a suitable fairy garden tree option. What’s even more, you can use the aromatic curry tree leaves to season curry and vegetable dishes.

See more: Organic Curry Leaf Tree Murraya Koenigii

9. Rosemary

This herb can be pruned to resemble miniature trees in your fairy garden.

Learn more: Rosemary Herb Plant 

10. Thyme

Just like rosemary, thyme can also be pruned to look like miniature trees. It is said that certain herbs actually attract fairies, thyme being one of them. The fairies and enchanted folk love it so much that they dance around it in merriment.


See it: Lemon Thyme Seeds

What miniature plants do you use in your fairy garden? Do they make good fairy garden trees too? Share to me in the comments!

Don’t forget to check out my Etsy store for lots of adorable, handmade holiday-themed miniature accessories that will be perfect for your fairy garden. See the goodies here.

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