10 Cutest Small Fairy Garden Plants

In the land of make-believe, there are only the tiniest, most charming fairies, gnomes, dragons, and magical creatures.They are often small in size and live in a magical fairy garden that is full of wonder and delight. These fairy gardens are often equipped with lots of miniatures, which are lovely, detailed furniture such as swings and patio sets, and even beds and bookcases. Such fairy gardens are just a marvel to look at, but the perfect ones also come with some interesting plants and flowers.

Fairies’ Favorite Garden Plants

Fairies love to flutter around fairy gardens that have a lot of flowers and plants. But sometimes, we don’t have enough space for our winged friends to explore vast gardens. We’ve curated a list of 10 cutest small fairy garden plants especially for those who have limited space in the garden or for those who live in apartments.

1. Snake plant

The snake plant is very versatile as it works both indoors and outdoors. It can also grow bigger, which is great for larger gardens. It primarily grows upward with its long, sword-like leaves, which saves you space. As for your fairy garden friends, they’ll absolutely love playing hide and seek between its gorgeous green and yellow leaves. Get one at Amazon for $11.95.

2. Corsican Mint

The quaint fairy garden won’t be complete without Corsican Mint, which is an amazing plant with tiny leaves and flowers that create a dense bedding for your mini garden. It provides a deep green lush hue to your fairy garden and you can just imagine the fairies’ feet as they delicately dance over this gorgeous bedding. Available at Amazon for $5.49.

3. Norfolk Island Pine

The Norfolk Island Pine can be reimagined as the real life pine or palm trees that grow tall and mighty and provide much shade to humans. To fairies, they are an amazing comfort as our fairy friends can lounge underneath its tall branches and take shelter from the sun. Get yours at Amazon for $13.05.

4. English Boxwood

Dwarf English Boxwood is great for adding a lot of lush greenery to any fairy garden.  It has bright green leaves that form a bush, where your fairy friends will enjoy playing hide and seek. They will also love to keep tiny treasures in this plant. Remember, fairies and gnomes do enjoy keeping their secrets too, so they’ll appreciate a little hiding space for their valuables. Available at Amazon for $13.07.

5. Assorted succulents

Who doesn’t love an assortment of succulents? These adorable mini plants are great for landscaping your small fairy garden. It provides a lot of texture and color to the greenery in your garden and creates variation in terms of design. Your fairy friends will watch in wonder as they discover the different textures and colors that come with the assortment of succulents in your mini garden. Get a collection of five succulents on Amazon for $$15.99.

6. Streptocarpus or Cape Primrose

For those who want to add color to their fairy garden, the Streptocarpus or Cape Primrose is truly delight. It comes in various colors such as white, purple, pink, or red colors and is easy to grow. Your fairy friends will love exploring the colorful flowers and sitting under this leafy plant that will provide them just the right amount of shade. Available on Amazon for $12.95.

7. Mexican heather

To add feminine color to your fairy garden, plant some Mexican heather, which helps brighten up any garden. It features small, green leaves and whimsical magenta flowers that are sure to delight and please. Your fairy friends will enjoy playing hide and seek around this plant, as it inspires joy and childlike wonder. Get it on Amazon for $5.49.

8. Fairy Castle Cactus

A fairy garden is never complete without a cactus. Native to the South and Central Americas, cactus adds personality to any fairy garden with its distinct physical characteristics. The fairy castle cactus pictured here may grow large, white flowers that bloom at night. It has small spikes and is great for protecting the fairy garden from any unwanted visitors. Available on Amazon for $7.69.

9. Hosta

The Hosta is a very interesting plant. It brings to mind the design of the snake plant, but this time, the plant grows outward instead of upward. It has gray-green leaves with a gorgeous white outline and right at the center of the plant is a 10-inch tall spike from which a gorgeous dark purple flower will come forth. It’s a magical plant that fairies love to guard and protect, especially when the magical flower begins to bloom. Get yours on Amazon for $10.99.

10. Pilea microphylla variegata or “Artillery Plant”

Dainty is the first adjective that comes to mind when beholding this delicate Artillery Plant for the very first time. It features rounded leaves that come in the dainty pink and white color and light green stems that are reminiscent of succulents. New leaves begin as green colored and age into a pink-white shade, making it look like tiny flowers. Fairies will enjoy rolling around in these delightful leaves, for sure. Available at Amazon for $6.04.


To create masterful pockets of fairy gardens in or outside your home, remember that the key is creativity and imagination. For more fun and awesome fairy garden ideas, visit our magical world at teeliesfairygarden.com.


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